"Dancing can speak for us, dear"

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(This one is going to use he/him and he/they pronouns. Thank you guys for 1k! Love you all from the middle of nowhere in the south! ~Fred) 

Reader pov:

It was a cool, dark night in home. In your backyard, the only light was from a small string of lights and the moon. Eddie had set up a small dinner for you outside. It was so cute, he put so much effort in to it. You had both finished eating, and now were just looking into each other's eyes.

"Wow, tonight is beautiful, my love," you sigh, taking in the wonderful view. 

"It could never be as handsome as you, though," he compliments.

You get up and go kiss him on the cheek. He turns red and giggles. You both looked so happy. 

"Come dance with me," you offer, holding out a hand.

"I've never danced before," he responded.

"Well, I'll teach you. You've got to be able to dance at our wedding, right?" you smirk.

"Ye-yeah!" he laughs.

You both go and stand in the middle of the yard, embracing each other. His pink button-down shirt sort of glowed in the light of the moon. He was taller than you, but that didn't intimidate you. You walked right up and put your hands on his waist. He jumped a bit, but then became comfortable. 

"Now, you put your hands on my shoulders. And we just sway back and forth. Do whatever we feel like," you say.

Slowly, he reaches his hands up and rests them on your shoulders. Graceful piano music was playing in the background. You move in a circle, and he struggled to keep up. He tripped over his own feet, laughing. 

"I can't-" he starts to say.

"Just move, love. Try twirling me around.

Eddie pov:

I was trying my hardest not to trip and knock over him. He was just so graceful, and I was a big klutz. I really wished that I could just sway with the music. But it just wasn't something that I could do. I really didn't want to mess up and make a fool of myself. Y/N could tell that I felt that way. 

"It's ok if you mess up, I'm not going to get mad," they reassure. 

I knew they were trying to make me feel better, but he didn't help out much. I just kept being really stiff and tripping over my own feet. He tried to turn us around, but tripped and fell. I caught them just in time. I held them at that position, our faces almost touching each other. They were so handsome, their hair falling out of their eyes and their stare fixed right into my eyes. 

"Wow, you were about to hit that ground harder than I fell for you," I flirt.

They laughed, their face glowing. They were just perfect. I pulled them a bit closer to me, our noses touching each other. I couldn't help myself. Usually, I get super flustered whenever they just say my name, but I was feeling a bit dangerous tonight. Something about him just made me feel so energetic, like lightning shocks sent through my body. 

"Do you mind if I- y'know," my confidence started to deplete. 

"What?" they asked, knowing exactly what I was talking about.

"Well," I drag out. 

He puts his hands on my cheeks. 

"Why don't you just show me then?" he taunts. 

Considering that as a yes, I pull them close and kiss them. Their lips felt so soft against mine, comforting me and making me feel even more energetic. Afterwards, we laughed continued trying to dance. This caused me to fall multiple times, and for him to pick me up many of times. Eventually, we both moved in harmony, causing Y/N to be very happy. 

"Thank you for trying to do silly things with me," they thank me in bed that night, about to go to sleep.

"Anything for you, my dear," I state.

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