The Great Change

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Out in the middle of nowhere, far from any town sites a farm house. Not to far from the farm house is a barn. An unpaved dirt road is what leads you from the main road to the house and barn. At the end of this dirt road is a mailbox and on the side of that mailbox is the name Kent.
Now there was nothing truly special about this house. It was in fact very similar to the other houses you would find in the town of Smallville. Having said that what made this house different from the others is the ones who live here. Martha and Jonathan Kent along with their son Clark lived in the house for the longest time.
But when tragedy struck it left Martha and Clark living in the house alone. Martha herself is a kind and loving mother but all in all there was nothing fantastical about her, nor did Martha want there to be. Martha enjoys her quiet life, her son on the other hand, now he's something else.

Clark: whoa....whoa whoa....whoa whoa whoa WHOA!!!

Clark was trying hard to come down and land slowly. So far not a single landing has been amazing, there were a few that were ok but not great. When he landed with the pilot in his arms he had put deep foot impressions into the ground. When he landed on the building across from the government building Clark ended up tripping and rolling across the entire roof. Clark was honestly glad that no one was around to see that.
This time was going to be different is what Clark told himself as the ground got closer. As Clark descended towards the ground it looked as if he would fall a little was before an unseen force caught him. This would happen a couple times as Clark floated lower and lower. As he got about ten feet off the ground though Clark seemed to get things under control. He then proceeded to slowly lower himself the rest of the way to the ground and lightly touched down on the grass of the front yard.

Clark: (relieved exhale) peace of cake.

Clark smiled to himself before rushing up to the house. As he was Clark began to call out for his mother. Martha, who was in the kitchen at the time, was at the front door in an instant. The next thing they knew both of them were standing on the front porch hugging one another.

Martha: oh son, when the school had called and told me you'd run off I got so worried.

Clark: I'm fine ma, I'm always fine.

Martha: it's a mother's job to worry.

Clark: I'm sorry I made you worry.

Martha pulled away from Clark and slapped his chest.

Martha: as you should be.

Clark didn't know what to say, his mouth just hung there wide open. He didn't know how to tell her in words just how sorry he was for worrying her. Fortunately for Clark he didn't have to. As soon as he saw the loving smile on his mother's face, Clark knew things were going to be ok.

Martha: now come inside and tell your mother exactly why it took you so long getting home.

Clark: it's kind of a long story.

Martha: then you can tell me while I get dinner started.

As this loving reunion between mother and son was going on, a less wholesome matter was taking place. You see in the world of the gods, all things are run by fate. Fate itself is watched over by three beings, the first of the three is Clothe who spins the thread of fate. The second is Lachesis who dispenses the thread of fate. The third and final is Atropos who is in charge of cutting the thread of fate.

Lachesis: why is this happening! This shouldn't be happening!

Atropos: they should be dead by now! I remember cutting both of threads so they should be dead! Why aren't they dead!?!

The only one of the three who wasn't panicking was Clotho but that was only because she was pacing back and forth nervously. The reason that the three were like this was because two people who were supposed to die were still walking around alive. The two who have seemingly defied the laws of fate are Zoe Nighshade and Bianca di Angelo.

Clotho: this shouldn't have happened.

The Moirai weren't the only ones who were in a panic ether. The spirit of the Oracle of Delphi didn't know how she knew but one of her prophecies had changed. Never in all of time has a prophecy not come to pass. It wasn't just a no concern, sweep this little incident under the rug and forget it prophecy ether.

Delphi: The Prophecy, The Prophecy has changed!

Apollo: so what, a prophecy was changed. Sure it's never happened before but there's a first time for everything.

Apollo made a beeline to the attic of big houses at camp half-blood as soon as he heard from the Oracle. She said that it was an emergency and he needed to come immediately. In all honesty Apollo didn't want to go all. As of late he has been swamped with business after business, not to mention the headache he's been experiencing as of late do to suppressing he own visions in order to not be distracted. Still he decided to go, if anything he thought it would be a good break from work. He soon found out it wouldn't.

Apollo: I honestly don't see the harm in worrying about some small detail that was changed.

Oracle: you miss understand my lord. I do not speak of a prophecy, I speak of The Prophecy. The Great Prophecy.

When hearing this Apollo couldn't help but loudly gulp.

Apollo: (nervously) oh....well that is something of noteworthy to discuss.

Oracle: how is it you yourself have not seen the change.

Apollo: well........

Apollo then began to remember all the visions he suppressed in order to get other work done.

Apollo: you see I've been busy of late and haven't had time for visions.

Apollo then shook his head getting rid of the embarrassment of not being on top of things and took on a serious look.

Apollo: if The Great Prophecy has changed then what has it changed to?

Both the Oracle and Apollo began to focus but no words came to them. Instead only glimpses of the future persisted themselves and not many at that. The first was of a cube. The second was of Clark dressed in an outfit made of unearthly material losing a fight to a figure masked by shadow. The third was of an older man who looked a lot like Clark, he was standing in the middle of Olympus's throne room surrounded by bodies. When Apollo came out of the vision sweat ran in beads down his whole face and he was panting, but not in exhaustion.

Apollo: what was that?

Oracle: I do not know but I feel an even greater danger now resides over us all.

Apollo: I have to go!

Apollo turned from the Oracle and prepared to vanish but before he could he was stopped by a question.

Oracle: what will you do?

Apollo: this is something I can't keep to myself, I must go to Olympus and tell the others. We must prepare.

And with that Apollo vanished as if he was never even there.

Oracle: it doesn't take a prophet to see that dark times are ahead. I prey we will be ready.

With those final words the Oracle of Delphi was back to her normal mummy like state.

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