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It was almost 7 in the evening. Kevin called someone. Next moment the car was parked before them. He asked the driver to leave as he wanted to drive.

The man nodded and left. He opened door of the passenger seat and Kaira entered. He too sat and both drove off to their hotel.

They had their dinner and slept.

Next day, Kevin and Kaira went to meet Mr. Alex Hithers. His assistant came to receive them and took them to his office.

They saw a man standing before the glass window.

Kevin called, "Mr. Hithers?"

The man turned. For a moment, Kevin felt a strange happiness when he saw him. But he couldn't understand what that happiness was for.

Alex smiled and extended his hand for a formal handshake. Kevin shook it and they took their seats.

They discussed about the deal. Kaira too shared her opinions about it. Alex looked impressed by Kaira and her opinions. He carefully heard her smiling.

Kevin was noticing his expressions towards Kaira. He didn't like it. But he didn't say anything.

After their meeting, they shook hands again and took their leave.

When they were on the corridor, Kevin held Kaira's arm. She looked at him confused.

Suddenly he locked his lips with hers.

Kaira was surprised. She caressed his head and pushed away from him.

She asked concerned, "What happened Kevin?? Are you okay??"

She could see something was bothering him.

He said, "Why did he talk to you smiling?? Can't he see that the girl he was smiling at, her husband was sitting next to her?? I know, he was trying to flirt with you. How can I let someone flirt with my girl??"

Kaira smiled, "He was not flirting love. He was just considering my opinions. And he was just happy about it. That's it."

Kevin kept quiet.

"Let's go." She pulled him towards their car.

Here, Alex has been watching them from the window. He smiled.

He said, "He hasn't even changed a bit. He is still the same. He easily gets jealous."

His assistant asked, "How do you know him, sir?"

He smiled and said, "How won't I?? I know him better than anyone else."

Kevin and Kaira reached their hotel.

They entered their room. Kaira asked him, "Why do you get jealous so easily? That's not good."

Kevin was quite.

"Tell me, Kevin."

He took the towel and entered the washroom without a word.

Kaira had never seen him like this. She too changed into her night gown.

Kevin came out and without even looking at her, he went to bed and laid facing to the opposite side.

Kaira went and laid beside him. She hugged him from his back. Kevin closed his eyes. A billion thoughts were floating in his head.

"Why did I feel so happy when I met Alex? What was that feeling when I shook his hand? Why does he feel so familiar? Do I know him?" And many more thoughts.

Kaira whispered into his ears, "Are you upset with me?"

He turned to face her and took her into his embrace. Kaira became sure that something was bothering him, but what? She decided to talk to him in the morning.

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