Chapter- 14

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Days passed. Both were happy together.

That day, while returning home she decided to shop some groceries and then go back. Kevin wasn't with her as he said that he had an important meeting with a client.

She saw Kevin sitting in a cafe with a girl. She thought the girl sitting with him must be the client he was talking about in the morning. So she didn't bother and was about to leave when Kevin and the girl got up from their seats. Now she was able to see her face. It was none other than Kevin's ex, Brittany. Then suddenly she hugged him and kissed his cheek.

(Note: Kaira saw Brittany in a magazine and one of the employees introduced her. When she asked this to Kevin, he accepted that she was his ex.)

When Kaira saw this, she couldn't believe her eyes. She was shocked. She left the place that instant.

On the other side, Kevin pushed Brittany away from her.

He said, "Stay away from me. We are just here for business. And for your kind information I am a married man. So stay from me as far as you can. You understand that?"

Brittany smiled shamelessly then said, "Oh my dear Kevin. How can you speak like that to me?? Leave it. Are you talking about the girl who was standing near the glass a few moments ago? As soon as she saw us together, she left."

"What rubbish are you speaking?" Kevin asked angrily.

She laughed and said, "If you don't believe me, then check yourself. Call her. I'm sure that she won't pick up. Ok, I've wasted enough time here about this. See you dear. Bye."

She left leaving Kevin in his thoughts. He immediately called Kaira but as said by Brittany she didn't pick up.

He rushed home. When entered, it was dark inside. He switched the lights on. He found Kaira sitting on the couch buried her face in her knees.

With his heart racing, he slowly went to her. He touched her arms. She looked at him. Her eyes filled with tears, clearly said that whatever Brittany said, seemed to be turning true.

He asked her, "What happened, love?? Are you alright?? Should I......"

Before he could proceed, she stopped him, "Just tell me one thing. Do you really love me?? Just even a bit??"

"Yes love......"

"LIE... LIES AFTER LIES. You lied me from the very beginning. How could I get into your trap?? How could I be so stupid??? How could I be so stupid???" She sat on the ground crying her heart out.

Seeing her in this state, Kevin's heart was breaking into pieces. When he tried to support her, she pushed him away.

"Don't touch me. Stay as far as you can. I don't want someone who lied to me, even touch me. I feel disgusted."

Kevin couldn't believe, the girl who used to melt in his arms, is now feeling disgusted even by his touch.

She stood up and went to the room she used to live when she came there for the first time.

She locked herself in and even took the spare key so that he won't be able to open it.

He kept on banging on the door.

He said, "It's just a misunderstanding love. It's not what you think. Let me explain once. Just listen to me once love. Please open the door." He too sat on the floor, tears flowing from his eyes.

But there was no response other than her crying. He kept on trying. After a few moments, there was no more weeping sounds. He thought that now she would come out. But even after waiting for few minutes, she didn't come out.

He was worried. He searched for the spare key but didn't find it. He looked around and found a nail cutter on the table. He took out the sharp end and finally was able to open the door.

He found Kaira lying on the floor. He panicked and rushed to her. He tried waking her up but it was of no use.

He went to the kitchen, brought some water and sprinkled on her face. She slowly gained back her senses. She sat up. He supported her.

He said, "Please honey, let me explain everything."

She looked at him blank.

He begun, "I had no idea that I would be having a meeting with Britanny. Actually I was going to have a meeting with her father but due to some reason he couldn't come, so he sent her in his place. Even though I tried to  avoid her but she kept on sticking to me. I swear I didn't touch her even once. She wanted to comeback in a relationship with me again but I clearly mentioned that I'm married. And the thing you saw was by force too. I didn't want to humiliate a girl in front of those many people so I couldn't say anything."

"And you let her kiss you??" Kaira said with no emotions on her face.

He remained silent. He was thinking how to make her understand.

"Am I playing some kind of game here?? Don't I have the right to have a happy life?? Tell me the answers..... I want the answers. Please. If you really love me, prove me wrong Kevin. Prove me wrong."

Kevin couldn't believe. His love was being questioned by the one he now loved the most.

She looked at him and said, "She you can't even answer to these simple questions. Now I think there's no difference between you and Rojer."

He shouted, "There's a lot of difference Kaira!!"

"What difference?? That you both are two different people??"

"No, he was never loyal, he never loved you, he cheated on you, he even broke you."

"So did you."

"No I didn't. You just can't conclude that. How do I prove you??"

"If you can't prove, then can you give me something??"

He was a little happy to hear that she was asking him for something instead of proving her his love.

He said, "I promise you, I'll give you anything that you want."

"Anything right??"

"Yes. Anything."

"Then give me some time. Away from you."

Kevin had never thought that Kaira would ask him for something like this or else he would've never agreed to her condition.

He asked, "How many days??"

She said, "I don't know. May be a few days or a month or even an year. As long as it takes to forget these things.

Kevin had to agree to this as he didn't have anything in his control now. He was left broken.


So..... This is it for today guys. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

What is going to happen next?? How is our Kevin going to solve the problems?? Will he be able to win Kaira back or loose her forever??

To get the answers to these questions, keep on reading "You Are Mine."

Add "You Are Mine" to your library and do follow me.

See you in the next chapter.

Bye bye🤗

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