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Next morning, Kaira was ready to leave for office, when she heard a knock on the door. She knew it was Kevin.

She said, "The door's open."

He came inside and wished her good morning. She smiled. He was holding some files in his hands. Kaira saw them and asked,

"What are those files?? Give me a minute I'll just get my bag and then we'll leave."

Kevin asked, "Leave?? Where??"

She said, "To office. Aren't you coming today??"

He said, "Not me. It's us. Have a look on these files."

She took those from his hand and it read,

"Congratulations Kaira Lopez, you've been promoted to the post of main writer and you're being transferred to the main office of Rose and Lily Publications for the same. We wish you all the best for your future.

Thank You.

Rose and Lily Publications."

Although she knew that Kevin did these things, but she was really happy to get promoted in her first job.

She looked at Kevin and he smiled.

He said, "We'll directly join the head quarters after our marriage. We'll be leaving for Maldives tomorrow morning. So pack your luggage."

Shocked she asked, "All of them??"

"Yeah, all of them, as we will directly be going to our mansion after we return."

She looked around the house and thought, "How am I going to carry all these to Maldives and then comeback again."

It seemed like, Kevin read her mind.

He said, "Don't worry. Our chauffeur will help us carring our stuffs. We just need to pack the essential things. Rest of these will be in the car and he'll take it to the mansion."

She sighed with relief and nodded.

The whole day passed packing.

But she managed to go out for some shopping.

At evening, Kevin asked Kaira for a date. She agreed and both of them left.

The car stopped at a 7-star restaurant. Kaira looked at the environment. It was so calm.

The manager of the hotel greeted them and took them to the open area of the hotel.

The place was crowded at that time.

They took their seats. Kaira was looking around. It seemed like she was not comfortable with these many people around.

Kevin noticed it and to distract her from that he gestured the waiter. He nodded and left.

After sometime, he placed the food on their table.

When Kaira saw it, her mood lightened instantly. It was her favourite dish, fried chicken steak.

She quickly took a bite of it feeling the flavour.

Kevin smiled looking at her innocent face. How adorable she looked at the moment!!

He whispered, "Cute".

He took his phone out and quietly took a photo of her.

She looked at him. He was smiling looking at his phone.

"What are you smiling at?? Let me have a look too." She said trying to peek into his phone.

He quickly changed the screen and showed her a little girl's picture.

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