A Memory Gone

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(y/n) PoV:

You suddenly wake up, gasping for air, feeling your face sticky from tears. The air around you felt suffocating, and your throat was dry. You glance down at the bed you were laying in, the sheets were all a mess.

The bed was soaked with your sweat, and your body felt warm and icky. You tried to steady your breathing, occassionly hiccuping. The door to your bed room creaked open, and Nahida came walking quietly into your room. The light from the outside flooded the area around you, and you noticed the papers spread across the floor.

You stare up at the tiny Archon, who had stopped walking, she look startled.
"Your awake." She said, stumbling over her words. You nodded your head, when a sudden pain shot through your body. It stopped at your forehead, you reached up and gripped at your hair, wanting the pain to go away.

"What the hell happened?" You asked, staring at the small Archon through your messy hair. She sighed and reached forward, carefully picking up papers off the ground.
"You don't remember passing out?" Nahida asked.

"No I don't..." You say, feeling the pain shot through your head again. You grimce, trying to remember what had caused all of this.
"You were talking to someone, I don't know who. And then you passed out." Nahida said, placing the papers on your bed.

"I was talking to someone-?" You ask, scratching at your head. Your body ached from head to toe, and you felt your legs shake, something was off about everything.

"You mentioned at some point in your mumbling, the name "Scaramouche". Who is that?" Nahida asked. Suddenly memories flashed through your head, and you suddenly remembered what had happened.

"Did I ask you to do something? Before I passed out?" You ask, reaching forward to grab onto the small archons hand.
"No, I don't think you did." Nahida said, as she thought back to before you passed out.
"Dammit." You said, slamming your fist hard into the bed, your hand bounced on impact.

"Is something the matter?" Nahida asked, sitting down on the bed beside you. You felt your lips quiver, you wanted to scream, but your chest hurt.
"Yes something is the matter! I fucked up!" You say, shaking your head, as tears ran down your already wet cheeks. Your eyes were fairly dry, so it hurt when the water escaped.

"I get your upset, but could you refrain from swearing." Nahida said, she ran her hand down your back, attempting to comfort you. You brushed off her touch, and crawled to the edge of the bed. You stood up and stretched your arms above your head, trying to relieve some of the pain you felt in your body.

"Sorry Nahida, I'm just a little upset. But I need to go somewhere today..." You say, your words drifting out of you mouth, but it didn't feel like you said them.
"Where do you need to go?" Nahida asked, looking at you confused. You smile, trying to comfort her.


Kunikuzushi's PoV:

"I hope she stays safe..." I say, staring at the wooden floor. The smell of molden wood after a rain filled my nose.
"Who are you talking about?" A small, child like voice replied. I glance up at the kid who was sitting on his knees, holding a small doll that looked like me.

"Ah, no one. Don't worry about it." I say with a smile. The kid nods and reaches towards me, I flinch as his hands wrap around mine.
"Can you go and get some Lavender Melons for dinner?" The kid asked, he tilted his head in a happy way, like he was trying to comfort me.

I shook my head, moving my hands to try and release the kids grip on me. The kid huffed and nodded, his hands falling to his side's. The kid coughed, he quickly covered his mouth, blood splurting out over his hands. I flinched, I knew the kid was sick... But how come I don't remember how he died?

I tried to think of my future life, how my future self would've thought of these situations. If my future self would know the Traveler.

What was her name again? I thought to myself, before feeling dread hit me. I couldn't remember what her name was! My chest become heavy, as I tried desperately to cling onto my past life, anything I could think of.

"Are you okay Kunikuzushi?" The kid asked. I shook my head, feeling my ears ring, and my head become light.
"What was that name I gave myself?" I asked, my hands shook as my body was forcing myself to forget. I couldn't remember my life!

Suddenly, the air became stale, and my mind blank. I felt the world spin as I collapsed to the ground, my head hit the floor, with a loud thunk.

And then the world went silent.

Many hours later...

"Kunikuzushi! Please answer me!" A small voice said, it was loud but sounded far away. As if a great distance was between me and the world. My body ached as I sat up. I reached for my head, feeling a thick liquid run down my forehead. I opened my eyes and stared at my red tinted hands, coated in blood.

"Oh Archons, do you want me to help you to stop the bleeding?" The kid asked, I looked up, confused.
"What just happened?" I ask, not sure how I got on the floor.
"You started to have some sort of panic attack, and then you fell to the ground and passed out." The kid replied.

"What was the panic attack about?" I ask. The kid shrugged, about as confused as me.
"Here, let me go get some bandaids." The kid stood up and walked away, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Damn, I can't remember anything... Why is my memory so bad?

I shrugged, I didn't know what the future held, so it was better to focus on now anyways. No point on dwelling on the past either.

"You also kept talking about a girl, named Traveler." The kid said after returning.
"Who? That's such a silly name." I laughed.
"I think your going insane Kunikuzushi." The kid replied with a laugh.

"Me too."

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