Sumeru's Town Square

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TW: Swearing, Blood, Graphic Violence, Fighting. Please read at your own discretion.

Scaramouche's POV:

"Nahida!" I say, gasping for breath. I hold the bleeding Traveler close to me, tears rush down my face.
"What happened?" Nahida asks, rushing up to me. I slowly place (y/n) down on the ground, her body limp. But I can see faint breaths, she was still breathing.
"Dottore attacked her, I tried to stop him, but he still got to her." I say, trying to stifle my sobs. She nods. How was she so fucking calm?

"I can heal her, but it will take sometime before she wakes up. Shes currently in a coma." Nahida says, she stares at me, her face dark. I swallow hard, and nod.
"I don't care how much time you need, just save her." I say, my tears dripping down onto her already damaged clothing.
"Okay... Please stand back." Nahida says, standing up and taking a step backward. I follow what she does.

There's a bright green flash,
(y/n)'s body floats off the ground, and her wounds seem to suddenly heal. It was an amazing sight, what the Archon could do. I stare, dumbfounded at her body. And then...

The world seemed to speed up.


That was nearly two weeks ago. (y/n) still had yet to wake up. I walk around the buzzing streets of Sumeru, my mind wandering. Someone behind me calls my name, but I ignore it. I continue staring at the food stand, debating on what I wanted to eat.
"Scaramouche!" The same voice hisses again. I turn around quickly, ready to rip someone's head off.
"What the hell do you want?" I growl. A Fatui member stares at me, his face dark.

"What are you doing? Dottore is badly hurt? Are you getting herbs to fix him?" The Fatui asks.

Ha! He was ordering me around?

"Who do you think your talking to?" I ask, fairly calmly.
"I'm talking to you!" The Fatui guy asks, he crosses his arms over his chest.
"That wasn't my question. Who do you think your talking to in such a casual way?" I say, bawling my hands into a fist.
"That wasn't what you said the first time!" The Fatui says, his voice becoming high, nervous, I could tell.

"You clearly have not been taught how to address your higher ups." I say, an evil smirk spreads across my face.
The Fatui starts to panic, he looks franticly around the sqaure. Then his face scans the many people in the square. He turns back to me confidently.
"You wouldn't fight me here, out in the open. You could get caught." He says. I frown.
"I hadn't thought about that." I say, my voice becomes a little high, almost like I was unaware of anything.

I stand there, deep in thought. Or atleast, I looked deep in thought. After a few seconds I narrow my eyes.
"Okay, thought about it." I say, before lunging forward. The Fatui looks shocked, and ducks before I reach him. I stop suddenly, and stare at the shaking Fatui member.
"What a coward, not even prepared to fight. What do the Fatui think they are doing?"

I crouch down beside the Fatui. He stared at my eyes, everyone stared at my eyes. I must have looked insane because he tried to crawl away. I hold onto his jacket and smile.
"Don't address me in such a casual way. And next time, don't disturb me whilst I'm out shopping." I say, trying to sound as friendly as possible. Then I stop smiling and narrow my eyes.

"Or else you won't see the light of day again." I say, in a quiet voice. The Fatui nods franticly. I let go of his jacket and he scurries away. I smile in approval, and then turn back to the stand and continue shopping.
"Your apart of the Fatui?" The stall owner asks, I could hear the nerves in his voice.
"Was." I say simply, still staring at the stand of food.
"What do you mean was?" He asks. I pick up an apple, and raise it into the light to inspect it.

"I was a Fatui." I say, still looking at the apple. I turn my head slightly and look at the shop owner.
"Now I'm not." I say, I rest the apple back in its spot and smile.
"Can I have 6 of your finest apples?" I say, trying to sound friendly.
His face drops, but he turns and grabs some apples. He places them into a brown paper bag, and then hands the bag to me.

"Your total is 150 mora." The shop owner says, reaching out his hand. I place a bag of Mora into his outstretched hand and then walk away. I keep walking past some stalls before stopping at one. This stall was different than any other ones. It was purple, and had a blue sheet over the top of it. There were cards on one side, and a crystal ball in the middle. Some pretty stones were close beside the ball, and a moon was hung up on the back of the booth.

"Can I help you?" A small voice says from beside me. I jump and stare down at a small girl.
"I was just interested in your booth, thats all." I say, pointing at the colorful stall.
"I can tell your not from here." The small girl says. She looked young, which was odd.
"I'm not." I say, watching as the small girl walks behind the booth and sits down. Her head was barely able to been seen behind the booth.
"I'll give you a free reading of your choice." Said the girl. I was honestly surprised, so I placed my paper bag on the ground and sat down on the other side of the booth.

"What type of reading would you like?" Asked the girl, I look around at all the magical things sprawled everywhere.
"Can I just know what my future holds?" I ask, tapping my fingers on my leg. The girl nods and reaches across the table.
"Let me see your hand." She asks, I lean forward and give her my hand. She closes her eyes and runs her finger across my palm. After a few minutes her eyes shoot open and she smiles.

"Your future hold many happy times. You develop deep emotional feelings for a girl in the near future. You two become close, and start to date. You become close with a mother figure, and find out the truth about your past. But of course, with everything good, there is bad." The girl says, she talks slowly and steadily. I feel my face become red.

What did she mean, near future?

"The bad stuff is really bad, so you can figure it out for yourself." The girl says. She lets go of my palm and smiles.
"Okay now. Go, shoo! Go see Lesser Lord Kusanli!" The girl says, I look at her in shock.
"Have a good day." I say, standing up and leaving the booth.
"It's going to be a while before
(y/n) wakes up... What else could I do to past the time?" I say, looking around the sqaures.




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