Something Good

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TW: Swearing, Verbal Abuse, PTSD, Blood. Please read at your own discretion.

(y/n) POV:

"Alright! Come on Nahida, we need to find the Balladeer before he becomes a god." You say, rushing around the lab, which basically felt like running in circles.
"Traveler, I think this big door might be something." Nahida says, you turn to look at her and see the big door she's talking about. You walk over to stand beside her and smile.
"Nahida! Your a genius!" You say, taking a step forward.

"So I've been told." Nahida says nonchalantly, you feel the small god walking a few paces behind you. The big doors bang as they open infront of you. You see a fairly big room, a robot sits at the center, leaned down like it has no life. A walkway leads onto a platform, and beside the bridge is emptiness. You sigh and lead Nahida down the bridge, your sword drawn, in a ready stance.
"Nahida, be prepared for anything." You say, the archon simply says "okay" in her cute tiny voice.

"Where are you, Balladeer." You say with a hiss, but only the wind replies. Then there's a sudden crack, and the robot slowly lifts its head. You jump in surprise. A laugh fills your ears, it echoes across the walls, and it sounded cold. You stare at the small figure, resting in the head of the robot.
"I really was hoping that you would fail, but the other half of me was hoping you would succeed. That way I could fight you." The Balladeer says, you can see him smiling, even from where you stand.

"I told you I was going to fight you." You say, lowering your stance slightly.
"Heh... I know you did, but I can never tell if your lying to me, or being honest." The Balladeer replies, he raises his hand, and you suddenly get a glimpse of red. Blood by the looks of it, trailing down from the corner of his lips.
"What happened?" You ask, suddenly questioning who the hell beat him before you.

"What do you mean?" He asks, crossing his hands over his chest.
"Your lips, is your mouth bleeding?" You ask, you can see shock hit him, and he raises his hand quickly to swat at his lips. He brushes the blood off his chin and looks at his hand.
"Shit... I'm bleeding again." You can see him disappear into the mech and then he's standing infront of you. He pushes you away leaving Nahida alone in the dark room.

"What are you doing." You say, after he finally stops walking. You were now standing in a dark hallway, it was very long, and the only light was a few paces ahead. But it casted a dark shadow over the Balladeer's face when he stared at you.
"I'm getting the hell out of here, and I guess I need your help." He says, pouting. You smirk.
"First tell me who beat you up before I could." You say, crossing your arms over your chest. He covers his mouth and you could tell your question caused him discomfort.

"It doesn't matter who did it." He says. You reach forward, and he flinches suddenly. You move his hand and see the streak of blood down his mouth. You press your finger to his chin and rub the blood away, but he tries to move away. You hold him still and once you have finished wiping away the blood, you let him go. He turns away suddenly and storms forward.
"If you must know, Dottore and me got into a fight, and he kind of won." Balladeer says under his breath, you could just barely make out his words.

You rush to catch up to him. You guys make a sharp turn and stop outside a door.
"Do you keep prisoners in here?" You tease, since the door looked like something in a jail.
"If you count me as a prisoner, than yes." He says, before grabbing a key and opening the door.
"I would contact Lesser Lord Kusanli. We are trying to escape, and if Dottore finds her, he'll lock her up again." The Balladeer says, opening the door and walking inside. But he stops suddenly.

"Dottore, what are you doing here?" The small puppet asks, you could here the nerves in his voice.
"I could ask you the same question." Another person replies. You push past the Balladeer to get a better look of the room.
"Hello Traveler." The Doctor says, he stand in the center of a fairly empty room. The only thing in it was a blanket on the ground, and a plate with some food.

"Would you mind moving out of my way? So I could talk to the stupid puppet." Dottore asks, taking a step forward. You jump slightly and place your hand on your holstered sword. Dottore seems surprised by this, but smirks and takes another step forward.
"I will only ask one more time nicely. Could you please move to the side so I can talk to the useless puppet." Dottore asks, more sternly.

You can hear the Balladeer from behind you, you could tell he was upset at what he was just called.
"No, I won't move." You say, your hand clasped around the handle of the sword.
"You don't need to protect me mortal." The Balladeer says, pushing you to the side. You stumble, almost hitting the ground, but you catch yourself on the wall. You suddenly look up and stare at the Doctor, he smiles at the Balladeer. A cold evil smile.

The Balladeer crosses his arms over his chest and the Doctor laughs.
"You know, I never thought you would disobey me, since the last time you ended up sitting in a pool of blood." The Doctor says, he laughs and takes a step forward. The Balladeer flinches and takes a step back. You could tell some awful things had happened to the Balladeer. Things that should happen to no one.

You wanted to try and stop him, but you couldn't think of how. You knew the Balladeer wouldn't listen to you. But then you remembered about your stream of consciousness.

Don't do this Balladeer!

I'm going to do what I must.

But your going to get hurt, you could die!

At least I died doing something good...

Protecting you.

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