Take A Break! (1k Vote Speical)

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A/N: OMG! thank you guys so much for 1k votes on this story!!! I'm so happy! This honestly has brightened my day a little bit. I'm still going through some stuff, (mainly with my ex) so I'm trying my hardest to upload chapters, and still having them make sense and be interesting.

As usual, this chapter is a special, so it won't affect the plot in any way, nor spoil it. Essentially it's just a one shot, so don't think of it as something connected to the story (other than the fact that it's the two main characters).

Also I am still attempting to do the QnA, so remember, ask questions! It doesn't matter if it's related to the story or not!

Enough chit chat though, let's start!!!

⚠️16+⚠️ this chapter contains a small amount of explict content. Recommended for 16+ (even though I know most people are going to ignore this). Please read at your own discretion.

(y/n) POV:

"Hey... Wanderer?" You ask the blue colored Anemo user. He's hunched over his work, his eyes focused on the paper infront of him. You reach forward and brush the hair away from his face, worried that it will a obscure his vision and focus. He tenses at your touch. You retract your hand quickly, worried about making him uncomfortable. He glanced up at you, before he leans back in his chair and smiles at you.

"I told you, you don't have to call me 'Wanderer'. You can call me whatever you want." He says, reaching his hand out and placing it on your cheek. You felt your worries subdue for a brief moment, until he drew his hand away and went back to the paper.

"Your sure Nahida isn't giving you a little to much work?" You ask, watching as his quill drifts carefully over the paper, dark ink spelling simple words. Wanderer's hands looked frail, as if he had been writing like this for ages. You weren't sure how his hand wasn't dying.
"I like to keep busy." Wanderer says simply. You frown. It wasn't the answer you were wanting to hear, but it was an answer.

"It looks like you've been punching walls again. You hands look terrible." You say, reaching forward again. You try to grab his hand but he moves it away in a swift motion.
"That's nothing of your concern my beloved." He says, his eyes still on the paper. You weren't expecting him to basically admit to punching walls again.

"I'm going to talk to Nahida." You say, pushing your chair back with a screech. You stand up and start to walk out of the room, when a hushed laugh reaches your ears.
"Good luck with that, she's in a pissy mood." He says, his voice loud, as if a warning.
"I'll get through to her." You say over your shoulder. You see Wanderer wave you away, before you storm over to the small Archon.

"Nahida!" You say loudly, before instantly regretting it. She looks over at you, her face narrow, a look that was so evil on such a cute face. You shiver, a chill running up your spine.
"Is there an issue (y/n)?" She says, her voice innocent, yet angered. You wanted to shrink away, but thought of Wanderer, and the amount of work he had been doing.

You try to reassure yourself, before nodding and pointing at the door you had come from.
"Nahida! Your overworking Wanderer. He shouldn't have to do so much work." You say, trying to get a point across. Nahida sighs and swipes her hand over that blue screens that was always there. It disappears into the air, as if it had evaporated.

She faces you and crosses her arms over her chest.
"Too much work? You mean he's not spending much time with you? He's doing a normal amount of work for a human, so your just upset that his main focus isn't on you, correct?" Nahida says, her face telling you that she isn't impressed.

You gap at her, confused at her accusation. You knew deep down inside though, that you were upset about the fact that he was spending less time with you. You shake your head in denial.
"Your overworking him! Have you seen his hands?" You ask, pointing at your own hands, as if they were his.

"His hands are fine." Nahida says, her focus drawn on your face, not your hands. You roll your eyes, wanting the Archon to understand what she was doing to the puppet. You frown in disgust. Puppet... A word you told Scaramouche (before he became the Wanderer) you would never think or say again.

"Nahida, please! Just give him a break!" You say, your eyes pleading. Nahida sighs and lowers her arms.
"You can tell him he can have a break, although I doubt he will take it." Nahida says, lowering her head to apology. You look at her confused, wondering what she meant. But the thought soon disappears in your mind, being that your eager to spend some time with Wanderer.

You practically skipped back to his room where he was working. You sit down in the chair beside him and smile.
"What are you happy about?" He asks, his eyes finally leaving the page.
"Nahida said you can take a break." You say, giddy from excitement. Wanderer's face grows dark, before he opens his mouth to speak.

"No strings attached. I swear!" You say, raising your hands up in surrender. He smirks, his eyes dancing over your figure.
"So what do you want to do?" You ask, lowering your hands, more serious now.

He bites his lower lip, his eyes focused on your chest.

"I have some things in mind."

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