Unknown Feelings

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TW: Swearing, Slight PTSD. Please read at your own discretion.

A/N: sorry for not uploading consistently. I was on Winter Break, so I wanted to obviously spend time with family, and play Genshin. But I'm back at school, so now I'll upload on a normal schedule.

Also this chapter is shorter in content... Mostly because I do plan on making a Birthday Special for Scaramouche, so that will be uploaded in the near future.

Please remember to vote if you like this content, that way I know what I should be uploading. Also consider following if you want to see more similar stories I have created.

Scaramouche's POV:

I groan, my back aching.
"Kuni-" (y/n) starts to say, but I roll my eyes and stand up out of bed.
"Please stop calling me that." I say, heading towards the door.
"What's gotten into you?" She says, trying to get up to follow me.
"Nothing, your clearly still dreaming if you thought I'd actually be nice." I say, reaching the door. I stop and peer over my shoulder.
"Get better (y/n). I still plan on kicking your ass, and it be a pity to beat you in this weak state." I say, finally leaving the dark room.

I walk past Nahida, but she stops me suddenly.
"Where do you think your going?" She asks, stopping me.
"To find Dottore, and get the hell out of this fucking region." I reply harshly. She looks shocked, but her eyes narrow. A look I've never seen on such a cute face.
"First, mind your language. Second, you have done a many terrible offences, that are punishable. I wouldn't let you walk out of here, even if I didn't have a plan for you." Nahida says, frowning. She thought I was stupid.

"So you plan on keeping me then?" I say, crossing my arms, and finally facing her properly.
"Why wouldn't I?" She replies, turning back to her work.
"I've had a plan for you since the start." Nahida says. I frown, and take a step toward her.
"I wouldn't do anything for you, even if you had the best deal in the world for me." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.
"So, even if I offered you the chance to enter Irminsul?" Nahida says, she glares up at me.

I stare at her, shocked.

A chance to enter Irminsul? The place that holds all information about everything in Teyvate?

"What's the catch?" I say, frowning.
"The only catch, is you have to bring the Traveler." Nahida says, a smile growing across her face.
"No, tell me the full catch. I don't need to accept something without know exactly what I'm getting myself into." I say, throwing my hand in the air to show my emotions.
"That is the full catch. Take (y/n) to Irminsul, and you'll be freed from your binds." Nahida says, turning to face me.

"That's it?" I ask.
"That's it." She replies.
"And why me?"
"Because I'm busy running a nation." Nahida says, crossing her arms over her chest.
"What am I supposed to do whilst I'm there? Since I'm guessing I'm not taking her to Irminsul for a friendly trip." I say sarcasticly.
"I want you to dig up any information on her brother." Nahida says, trying her best to keep me interested.

"I just need to find information on her brother?" I say, raising my eyebrow in question.
"Yes, that's all." She says, nodding.
"Fine. I'll do it." I say with a load huff. Nahida's face brightens.
"Why are you getting so excited? It's not like I had a choice anyways." I say, rolling my eyes. I feel a tug in my chest, and I sigh.
"Can you do me a favor?" I ask. Nahida looks suprised, but her face is soft and she nods.

"Depending on how big the favor is." She replies, smiling.
"Can you... Make mine and (y/n)'s recent incounters seem like a dream... To the both of us?" I ask hesitantly. I could see her think about this for a brief period of time, before she nods again.
"I could, but I would need some time." Nahida says, analyzing the possibility.
"Alright. Just make it quick, I don't need (y/n) to get hurt." I say.

I think about what I just said, before laughing.
"Sorry, that was so stupid of me to say. I don't care about that human." I say through laughs.
"You've gone insane. I'll leave you alone now." Nahida says, before she turns and heads towards that stupid human's room.

What the hell is wrong with me? I think to myself. Caring about a human? That's so unlike me.

I roll my eyes and frown. I walk around the Sanctuary of Suransuna, before finally leaving to get some fresh air. Even if I couldn't breath. Birds chirpped in the distance, the sound of leafs rustling filled my ears. It was peaceful out here.
"Sumeru... Maybe I could grow to like this place." I say, before sighing.
"If only I could enjoy it with..." I stop myself before those types of thoughts intrude.

"Stop thinking about her! She's a stupid, adorable human... Fuck!" I feel anger build up inside me. I storm towards the edge of the railing, and glance out over Sumeru.
"She's a human! And I despise humans. I hate her, and I hate how she's making me feel." I shout out to the vast plains of green trees and water.
"She'll only hurt me. She'll only betray me. Humans are not to be trusted." I shout out, my voice suddenly becomes caught in my throat.

I feel tears build up behind my eyes, and I quiver. Water floods down my cheeks, and I collapse to my knees.
"If I hate her so much, why do I feel this longing to be with her?" I cry out.
"This emotion... I hate it! I hate it so much!" I shout, feeling my body shake.
"I hate her, I hate how she makes me feel. And I hate how she looks at me." I feel emptiness as I cry.

I long for her touch, and I wish I could forget she ever existed.
"I fucking hate you (y/n)." I say after many moments of silence.

"I hate how I love you."

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