Butterflies Can Hurt Too

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(y/n)'s POV:

"Paimon, can you hand me that little piece of paper right there?" You say, pointing to the small paper on the table across from you. You sit on the ground, trying to fiddle with the Akasha Nahida let you keep. She agreed to letting you keep it, if you were able to find a way for it work without Dottore.
"Yeah." Paimon says, hovering over to the table. She grabs the sheet of paper and brings it to you.

"Thanks." You say, placing the Akasha down in your lap, and then reading the small scribbled words.

Huh... These words almost seem to be a key to something.

A key to what?

What the hell? Can I be in my own space for two seconds without you infiltrating it?

Chill out. Nahida asked me to check on you, since you've been in that room for hours.

You mean my bedroom?

Yeah yeah, whatever.

If she wanted to check in on me, I'm sure she would do what your doing.

What am I doing?

Bothering me.

A deep sigh can be heard, before there's no noise. You roll your eyes and set the paper down, before turning back to the Akasha.
"Paimon, can you do me another favor?" You ask, craning your neck to see more of the Akasha. Paimon sighs and hovers to your side.
"Yes?" She asks, you smile and point to the door.
"Could you go and fetch Nahida?" You ask, Paimons frowns and leaves the room.

You sit back and stretch, hearing your bones crack from being leaned over the terminal for so long. You groan and lean back over the Akasha, clicking some buttons before the small electronic lit up green. You smile and place the Akasha onto your ear. Nahida had shut down all the terminals, meaning that it wouldn't turn on if it was powered by something. Since it was powered by a being, then it was easily controlled.

But now it's turning on without needing a power source, so it shouldn't become overpowered by something.
"You called?" A deep voice says from the door way. You turn to face Scaramouche, his arms were crossed over his chest, and his face was blank.
"No, I called for Nahida." You hiss, carefully taking the Akasha off and hiding it in your hand.
"Well she's out, so I'm the next best thing." He replies. You frown and push yourself up off the ground.

You stomp over to the door, and look at him with venom in your eyes.
"What's in your hand." Scaramouche says with a frown. His eyes dart from yours, down to your hand that the Akasha was in. You move your hand behind your back, avoiding the question.
"Why is Nahida out?" You say, focusing on another topic.
"I asked you a question." He says his eyes narrowing.

"Okay, and?" You say, taking a step backward. He takes a step forward, and suddenly you feel smaller and weak in his presence.
"Don't disrespect me Traveler." He says, reaching forward to grab your arm. You dodge him and back up against the wall.
"What's in your hand." Scaramouche says, towering over you, he leans down slightly, and places his hand on the wall beside his head.

"Why does it matter so much to you?" You ask, trying to get past him. He places his hand on your shoulder, and forces you back up against the wall.
"Answer the damn question." He whispers into your ear. You feel butterflies in your stomach. Scaramouche reaches down with his hand that was on your shoulder, he wraps his fingers around yours and opens your hand. You didn't stop him.

He carefully grabs the Akasha, and examins it.
"Are you trying to fix this?" He asks, his focus back on you. You nod slightly, and he smiles.
"That's funny... I thought it was powered by Nahida... I also that Nahida destroyed all of them? Did you keep yours? Are you going against the Archon?" Scaramouche says, his eyes becoming full of life. He bites his lip, and he seemed different than normal.

"I would never go against the archons." You say, your eyes dart from his eyes to his lips, then quickly back up to his eyes. He frowns, and his eyes darken.
"Well that's boring." Scaramouche says, hands the Akasha back to you and steps backward.
"What did you need my help with?" He says, crossing to the other side of the room. He runs his hand across my bed, staring intently at the sheets.

"Like I already said, I asked for Nahida." You say, crossing your arms over your chest, still stunned by the last few moments.
"And like I already said, she's out right now. I'm the next best thing." He says, looking up from my bed and staring at you. You blush and turn away.
"Whatever... I just needed Nahida's help with the Akasha." You say, staring at the very nice door.

Scaramouche chuckles, and then you can hear thumps of footsteps. He stands over you again. You stare at him and tense. He reaches down and grabs the Akasha, before turning and inspecting the green electronic.
"What's wrong with it?" He asks, peering at you from over his shoulder. You stare at him, before walking forward and attempting to take the Akasha back.

He raises it up over his head, out of your reach.
"Give it back!" You say, jumping to get it.
"Nope. Unless you give me a kiss." He says, you can see him instantly regret it. You blush and shake your head.
"What?" You say simply.

"Forget it." Scaramouche says, throwing the Akasha at you. You fumble to catch it, and then stare up at the puppet. Or at least where he was. You glance over at the door, just in time to see his shadow in the light of the door way. You where once again alone in your room.

You fall to your knees and stare at the Akasha in your hands. Your heart suddenly felt like it would beat out of your chest, since it was going so fast. And those butterflies in your stomach ached.

What was this feeling?

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