Chapter 8

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I let a huge sob wreck through my body. It was more of a gasp. "Can I see them?" I whisper, trying not to break. "Not yet dear" she touches my shoulder, helping me to sit.

I break.

Tear after tear cascaded down my face. My long hair messed up everywhere. This was the worst day of my life. I lost my nephew and my husband. My sister was probably mad at me still.

I was alone.

I fell to my knees, off my seat, and buried my face into my hands, sobbing.

There was nothing more to do with it.


"Yeah Matthew?" I ask. "What's up?" I take a small sip of my coffee.

"Caro lost her son" I heard his voice quiver. "What?!" I jump, spilling the coffee over my clothes. "How's she? How's Makenzie? You're still not a father?!"

"Relax Mark. She had twins. Baby girl"


"I don't know-SHIT MACKENZIE"

I jump. "whats up?!" I panic.

"Mark come quick!"

I change and drive to the hospital in a record of 9 minutes.

There I see, Mackenzie hanging on from the last thread of her life.

She was about to jump from the building?!

I run towards the elevator, pressing the buttons in panic mode.

It was to late. I hear screams.

I dash outside only to see Mackenzie falling from the building. A pole slows her fall by catching a bit of her dress, but it's not much.

She lands on my car and tumbles down to the floor. "MACKENZIE!" I scream, chewing my lower lip. The metallic taste spreads in my mouth. Gross.

I pick her body up, hoping and hoping she hadn't died, and it wasn't too late. "Doctor?" I ask. "Nurse?"

Two nurses and three doctors crowd around her body, her eyes are closed, her hand turning a bit cold. "Hurry" I beg. "Please hurry" I watch her body leave.

Why did she do that?

"We can't tell whether she'll live. But after her head surgery, we'll see. She has 3 choices, and sub choices: she can recover, go in coma, or not recover. If she goes in coma, she can recover or not." The doctor explained.

"She better recover" my hands are on his collar before I know it. "Sir we're trying our best" he says calmly. Matthew pulls me off.

"Dude, calm down. She'll be fine"

I wrench my hand through my hair again. My hair are messier than ever, and I have bags under my eyes.

"You should get some rest." Caroline's voice snaps me out of my trance. She had recovered physically but not mentally. Her eyes were red and puffy, she had cried when she heard the death of her son, and even more at the state of her sister.

"I can't." And I mean it. Every time I doze of, I repeatedly get nightmares. The worst one was of the doctor looming up, telling me that Mackenzie had not made it.

She nodded. "I'm sorry."

I look at my hands, wondering when the time will come when she'll look at me, laugh, run her hand through my hair, and come back to life.

*2 weeks later*

"She'll recover" was the two best words I had ever heard in my life. I couldn't believe it. A few years ago, or months she had been my nemesis!! Now here she was. My wife.

After a few days, Mackenzie woke up. She was extremely weak, it was difficult for her to cry, talk about moving.


Why was I still fucking alive?! The pain was huge, wracking my body into PEICES. I hate my life. It had no meaning. WHY THE FUCK WAS I ALIVE?!?

Mark stayed with me 24/7 when he heard I was awake. He was here right now.

"Markie....I'm sorry" I whisper, afraid to shatter myself. "Its okay baby" Mark says, holding my hand, kissing my knuckles. My nails were broken in places, my red nail color chipped. I was wearing a horrible hospital dress. I was thin, there were bags under my eyes. My head hurt, my whole body hurt.

"Why'd you do it?" Mark asked gently. "You getting dru..nk...and....I did died. My sister....was upset. I had...nothing...and no one" I sob, saying it slowly to reduce the pain.

Mark shook his head, his hair tousled and eyes glinting from emotion. I would kiss him if I could but I can't. "Sorry Kenzie. I was angry that you cheated on me" his fists were shaking. "It was a rumor that you cheated on me" I say. "It's a rumor" he kisses my forehead.

I doze off into a relaxed sleep, happy for myself to be alive.


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