Chapter 2

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"MARK, stop stepping on my dress!!"


"Third time saying sorry."

"Jeez" he laughs and rolls his eyes.

After the dance, I sit on my 'royal bride swing' with Mark and pull off my shoes, massaging my heels. "Oh god, I'm gonna have a killer headache today" says Mark, holding his head between his hands.

"No prob, I have medicines in my room." I say. "Our room, now sweetie" He grins. "Actually, we have our own room in another room, moms been decorating it since the past 2 weeks." I say.

He smiles a tired smile. After dancing 2 more dances, eating dinner and cake and laughing and chatting, we're finally sitting in our car, on the way home.

I rest my head on Mark's shoulder and closed my eyes, and Mark rests his head on my head and closes his eyes. As twisted as that sounds, it was true.

"Kenz....Kenzie....Mackennnnzie" someone shakes me. When I don't reply, he lifts me out of the car bridal style and takes me to the doorstep.

And I have a horrible vision of him dropping me and me bursting my head. I wake up and stand. My mom unlocks the door and leads us to our room.

I gasp. It's huge, and so pretty. It's coral red walls stand out, the bed is in the shape of a heart, huge, with red and black bedding and rose petals cover it. There's a white dresser, and a white bathroom. It's so perfect. Till I see a baby corner, in the corner.

That baby corner consisted of a cot, closet, diaper bed, and another dresser. I questionably looked at my mom.

"Well, your gonna reproduce, right?" my mom looks at me. I blush profusely.

"Okay, mum g'night." I call, and close the door, locking in. I go to the mirror, pull of my jewelry and veil, kick off my heels, unzip my dress and go into the closet. There I grab my jammies, and dash to the bathroom, still in my undergarments.

In the bathroom, I freshen up and and pull on my pajamas. When I come out, Mark, still dressed is lying sleeping. I laugh and shake him. "Mark, go change" I say. He grumbles and cusses, but goes in anyway.

I hop in bed, trying to sleep, but my eyes fix on the baby corner. I smile as Mark gets in. But he turn off the light.

It's dark.

"MARK!! Please turn on the light!!"


"Mark!! Please turn on the light! Her voice comes out like a whimper.
"Kenna, it's okay. I'm here" "No Mark, I'm terrified!! I hate the dark."

I sigh and switch on the bathroom light. Mackenzie's face relaxes, and she holds out her arms.

I dive in them, and we snuggle up, warm and comfortable, happy.

I inhale the strawberry scent that comes to me, and curl a lock of her hair around my finger. She pushes her head deeper in my chest, and I press a kiss onto her hair.

She smiles.

I float away, thinking about our family.

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