Goodnight - Part 31

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  A loud thud woke me from my slumber. I jumped up at the sudden noise only for it to be Camilo once again.

"Geez, don't be so loud next time!" I grabbed the pillow behind me and threw it towards him, "I WAS asleep and I don't enjoy being startled awake."

"Oh, sorry! I didn't realize. Though I can't believe you were able to sleep with everything going on."

"Me neither." I mumbled.

  A forced clearing of the throat grabbed my attention to my bedside.

"Sénor L/N, I didn't see you there." Camilo laughed.

"Yes, it seems no one did." Pa deadpanned.

  Camilo jumped right back in after Pa had finished talking,

"Mira is ok! She's alive and isn't hurt…well psychically"

I heard a punch and loud ow from Camilo.

"Mirabel, are you here right now?"
A small giggle sounded from Mira, "You caught me!" She nervously chuckled, " I'm just so glad you're ok." She said, holding back tears.

"I'm so glad you're ok too." I felt my voice starting to crack.

  Mirabel's footsteps quickly approached me before throwing me into a hug, I did the same. I wrapped my arms around her and let the hug sit for a moment.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"Uh- that's kind of a long story."

"Wow. If you say it's a long story there's no telling how long it is." Camilo chimed in.

"Well if you ever feel like telling it, I am currently bedridden so I have plenty of time for a story!"

  Mirabel laughed loudly while the rest of the room stayed silent.

"I still can't believe you did that," Mira commented, "I really thought you were done for, because of me."

"Nah, takes more than a house collapsing in on itself to take me out." I shot a thumbs up.

"Obviously" she stated with sarcasm.

"So, what are you all doing about Casita?" I inquired.

"The only thing we can do, rebuild it!" Mira beamed.

"Yay." Camilo sulked.

"Pa, did you hear that? Are you going to help out?"

"Of course, but you come first in my list of priorities!"

"You're right! I will help too!"

"Your health, mi hijo."

"Oh, yeah. I'm sure there's still some way I can help."

Mira and Camilo both let out a hm.

"You really don't have to help, though." Camilo faltered.

"But I want to." I pouted.

"You could always hold resources! Or count to make sure there's the same amount of bricks, ya know things like that?" Mira nervously blurted out.

A loud sigh came from Camilo,

"Small things that everyone else could do?"

"Don't worry about it, kids! I'll find a way for Y/N to help me out with the rebuilding. Just let us know what else needs to be done." Pa chimed in.

Always saving the day.

"Well, we're starting tomorrow morning! For now it's just our family and the two of you helping so it might take a while," Mira trailed off,
" But I'm sure we'll get it done!" She reiterated.

"Yeah, the people in Encanto have been nice enough to let us stay with them while Casita is broken. So everything is going to be alright." I heard the sides of Camilo's mouth curl up once more.
   But this time it sounds like he's trying to reassure himself.

"I'm sure it will be!" I reassured him further.

Camilo made an oomph sound.

"Why'd you do that?!" He asked loudly, "Oh!" He continued.

"Hey, Y/N we have to go now! Family things, ya know?" Camilo blurted out.


"Bye Y/N, talk to you later!" Mira added.

"Yep! Bye Y/N!" Camilo held out as he left the room.

I turned to my side where Pa's breath continued on.

"That was weird." I stated

"Tell me about it." Pa grumbled.

"I wonder what they're planning."

"There's no telling," he let out a sigh, "Let's get you something to eat, it's been a while since your last meal."

"Alright! What're we eating?"

"I went out and got your favorite again! Let me grab his table and we can eat together!"

  Pa set the side table and placed down the food before handing me my portion.

"You sure you feel fine? Nothing going on? Healing properly?" Pa said in between chewing.

I laughed a bit.

"I really do feel fine, just sore."

"Makes sense."

  I nodded my head slightly before taking another bite. I love moments like these. Even if we aren't talking much, I'm really glad that Pa is here with me. I missed him too.

"I love you, Pa."

"I love you too, mi hijo. Now let me take your dish and get you all tucked in again."

"I don't need to be tucked in." I said, shaking my head.

"No, but I want you to be comfortable," he paused for a moment, "and I don't want you running off."

"Running off? Why would I do that?"

The silence stretched out.

"I know you didn't just say that." He deadpanned.

"Ok, maybe we all make mistakes sometimes."

"Yeah and maybe I can see you getting the bright idea to help the Madrigals and stumbling through the streets hurt!"

He angrily tucked the sides of the blankets underneath me.

"Hmmmm, I guess you have a point."

"No, I know I have a point." He chuckled a bit, "Get some rest, Y/N. Goodnight."


900 words

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