A Night Out - Part 1

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  About two months ago, me and my Tío moved to Encanto? I think that's what he called it? The area we stay in doesn't really matter to me but it took some time to get used to a whole new house layout.



"You should try going out sometime."

  I don't think I'll leave the house much anywhere, much less a relevantly new place like this.

"I don't know what the streets are like, what if I bump into people and make a fool of myself?" I said, leaning my head down.

"I can go with you, if you'd like. Plus this area is much safer than where we were before. I wanted you to be able to go out and walk like you used to when you were younger."

  Yeah, I do love the fresh air and walking for a bit doesn't sound bad. Maybe going out would be fun.

"What time is it?" I asked curiously.

"Almost 5pm, if you stay out long enough then you'll be able to feel the sunset too."


"I would love that!"

"Do you want me to go with or riding this one solo, mi hijo?"

There he goes again calling me his son, it makes me happy that he views me like that but I can't help but feel it's more trouble than I'm worth.

"I'm riding this one solo-"
"Pa." I said very quietly.

But I heard his gasp from behind me as I stood up from the table and went towards the door.

"Wait, hijo!" He said as he grabbed my shoulders turning me to face him.

"Do you remember the address?" He asked somewhat worriedly. Goodness, he worries too much.

"Yes, I remember." Although he couldn't see it, I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, ok. I'll come and get you once the sun sets, alright?"

"Alright." I smiled.

  Tío said goodbye with a pat on the shoulder before opening the door for me. Once I took a step out of the house, everything was completely different.
  There was music echoing off the corners of the houses, flowers and delectable treats wafting into my nose, the sound of people bustling in the town, children laughing, water trickling, and the feeling of the sun's warmth on my face. I couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed at first, I just stood at the door stunned by all of this. Slowly I started taking steps forward towards the sun, wanting to get a spot perfect for the sunset.

  The sounds of the people around me is making me anxious, what if I really do bump into someone? There are a bit more people than I expected there to be. I put my hand out once I couldn't feel the sun anymore and I'm lucky I did because I almost ran into a wall. I must've gotten to distracted by all the other noises. I slowly raised my hand feeling for one of the sun's rays but I couldn't find it. Please don't say the sun has already set, surely that can't be the case. That's when something else caught my attention, the sweet strumming of an instrument.

"I didn't know THAT many people here played instruments." I mumbled to myself while taking a few steps towards the sound.

  The ground underneath me changed from a stone path to the soft grass, should I go off the path? I want to hear the music better and meeting whoever is playing it could be nice. Plus they could help me find a place where I could feel the sunset before it falls, if it hasn't already. I picked up the speed towards the sound before stopping before what I assume was a basket.

  I slowly lowered myself to feel the basket and there were stuffed animals in it? Why would someone have a basket of stuffed animals out in the woods? That's when the strumming slowly intertwined with a smooth, cheery voice. From how the person was singing  the song, it sounded almost as if they were using every bit of strength to not stand up and dance while performing. That's when I heard claps from multiple people, was this a performance? I started clapping as well causing the others to stop. Did I do something wrong? Then a hand was softly placed on my shoulder along with the voice of the singer.

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