The Celebration Pt.1 - Part 10

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Y/N pov :

I guess Antonio's gift is talking with animals? That's SUPER COOL! That's when Camilo started cheering before he yanked me from my spot dragging me with him,

"Come on, come on!" Camilo yelled

"ACK," I stopped at the stairs,
"stairs, stairs, you go ahead! I'll wait for Pa to help me u- AH-"
  Camilo lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder, fireworks sounding off in the background.

"Camilo! I- You don't have to do that!"

  Camilo didn't stop though, he just continued running up to Antonio's new room. He stood me back up once we made it to the door, grabbing my hand and continuing to drag me behind him. This room had to be humongous because EVERYTHING echoed. Various sounds of animals, the townspeople, and Antonio's family echoed through the room.
  Antonio himself kept moving, much swifter than a person can move I would say, so unless the kid got super speed as well I think he's riding an animal? Maybe a horse? There's no trotting though, so it could be anything. Anything that doesn't trot, that is. I was snapped out of my thoughts as Camilo started cheering again while snapping his fingers, I started clapping as well. Whatever is happening must be amazing as everyone seems to be in awe. As Antonio's voice got closer I heard Señora Alma say something to Antonio, before calling out to the Madrigal's for a picture. Camilo patted my shoulder before saying,

"Stay here, I'll be right back! I'll be keeping an eye on you so don't even think about running away, hombre."

  I nodded my head listening as his footsteps grew farther away, hearing the family yell out,

"La familia Madrigal!"

  Before a camera clicked. That's when I heard someone else behind me drop their smile. I turned around and tried to listen closer but the noise became a sniffle, growing farther away. Are they running away? I followed the sound, well more like I chased the sound. Sprinting after it, bumping into people before falling down. I landed face first into the ground before getting up and continuing the chase. Moving my head upwards as my feet landed right outside Antonio's door.


"AH- HEY, hey there." A startled and disgruntled voice responded.

"Sorry for startling you, are you alright?"

"Yeah, YeAh! You know me, doing super well!"
  Whoever this is sure is not good at pretending things are ok, but their sarcasm is off the charts.

"Why are you out here?" I said, turning my head to the side a bit.

"Just needed some time to myself, that's all."

"Ah, sorry for interrupting you then." I smiled turning to go back in before the person yelled to stop me,

"WAIT- wait, who are you? Why did you come after me?"

"Oh, I just heard sniffling and wanted to make sure you were alright. This is a celebration after all. No one should be left alone crying at a celebration," I smiled before continuing,
"My name is Y/N, I'm still somewhat new to Encanto so it makes sense that you wouldn't have seen me around much."

"I'm Mirabel, thank you for checking up on me. That's very kind of you."

"Mirabel? As in Mirabel Madrigal?"

"Yeah." She said her smile was dropping once again.

"Your mom knows my Pa, she was talking about you earlier!" I paused, "What are you doing out here? Your family was taking a photo! You have to get back in there!"

"Oh, they were? I guess I should then." She said letting out a nervous chuckle before Antonio's door was forcefully opened.

  I flinched at the sound a bit before a hand gripped my shoulder turning me towards the person.

"I told you to stay there, why did you run away?" Camilo huffed out, sounding out of breath.

"Sorry, Camilo! I was just- well something caught my interest and I had to go after it, you know?" I nervously grinned hoping he would just move past it but then Mirabel spoke up,

"You're friends with Camilo?" Mirabel questioned.

  Oh my gosh, Mirabel! If you stayed quiet he may not have noticed you were out here then you wouldn't be dragged into this with me. I nodded my head smiling,


"So Mirabel caught your attention and you ran out here after her?" Camilo sighed before placing his hand on my jaw, moving my head to the left then the right.
  He dropped my jaw before lifting up my bangs and sighing again.

"You leave for a few minutes and you have a bruise on your forehead." He flicked my cheek before grabbing my wrist and pulling me with him.

"Ow!," I said rubbing my cheek,
"Ack- oh bye Mirabel!" I slightly waved with my free hand.

"Bye, Y/N!" Mirabel yelled although it was a bit muffled since Camilo was still dragging me with him. We finally stopped somewhere.

"Goodness, Camilo. What's wro-'' before I could even finish an arepa was shoved into my mouth.

"Just eat." Camilo said letting out yet another sigh. I moved my hand to cover my mouth as I continued eating. Once I was done, I tried asking again.

"Like I was trying to say earlier, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." He huffed.

  Does he think I'm stupid? He's done nothing but huff and sigh since I talked to Mirabel.

"So you're just being whiny for no reason?" I chuckled, cocking my head to the side.

"Whiny? I am not being whiny!"

"Mhm." I hummed.

"I just- you left and-" Camilo started,

"THE MAGIC IS DYING, the magic is dying! There were cracks everywhere and the candle almost went out." Mirabel screamed out, leaving the entire room stunned.
  The music stopped, the dancing stopped, the laughter stopped, all I could hear was the shallow breathing of the room being caught off guard. A small show me was uttered before everyone rushed out of the room.

  Camilo quickly sprinted ahead, going after Mirabel and the older voice.
I just stood still in the big open room unaware of what to do. I slowly started going towards Antonio's door, hoping I wouldn't be in the way now that everyone had left the room. As I opened the door I heard Señora Alma saying something about drinks being strong before people started coming back towards the door.
  I tried my best to slide out of the way, staying beside the door waiting for everyone to come back inside. I anxiously played with the ruffles on my sleeves, hoping Camilo or Pa would come back in and see me standing there. The music had started up again and people were laughing again.
Then I heard Pa getting closer,

"Mi hijo, there you are! Why are you alone? I thought you were with Camilo?"

"Oh, I was. He just went to see what was happening outside and I decided to stay behind." I nervously chuckled.

  Pa joined in attempting to explain the situation but he knew just as much as I did. Camilo's mom then called out to Pa asking for him to join them in dancing. I smiled at Pa and started pushing him towards them.

"Go! Go have fun!" I yelled at him, shoo'ing him away before he let out a quiet thank you.

"I think I might get in on those drinks as well, so just go home when you're ready. I love you, mi hijo!"

"I love you too, Pa! Have fun!"

  I slid back over to the door opening it, running directly into someone. My head hit theirs before I fell backwards.

"Ow-" I muttered, rubbing the spot on my forehead before attempting to get back up.

"Did you also fall?" I questioned not hearing anyone anymore.

"Where? I know someone was there."

  Now I'm starting to freak out. Was this person just not sharing anything to me or are they awkwardly staring at me? I put my hands in front of me but nothing was there. I went fully outside Antonio's room and started walking along the rail of the upper floor, listening for someone.

But no one was there.

1355 words

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