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Rain came down,

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Rain came down,

all over Hawkins. Thunder rumbled across the sky as the storm continued. It had been pouring all night up until morning. Keeping most people up from the lighting that kept flashing outside. This was the first time since it's rained this bad. But the town desperately needed it.

Since the cold was also coming in. All over the radios, they would be talking about it snowing soon. And how everyone will be getting prepared for this year's winter. Which was usually people's favorite time of year.

But not for everyone.

"The rain will continue throughout the day and maybe even tomorrow. School will still be in session at this time. Buses will remain on their normal travel routes. And Remember to stay dry, don't forget your um-"

Vanessa clicked off the radio as she melted back into her warm bed. The girl's eyes stared out the window seeing the droplets still coming down, almost giving her a sense of calm. The rain had been gone so long; Ness had forgotten how much she missed it.

The week also went by so fast that it was already Friday. School consisted of pop quizzes and stupid study guides to fill out due to the finals that were coming up. Though instead of going to school, the blonde girl stayed home today. Partly because she had to babysit later on.

It seemed the girl was always doing something to make extra money. Which was usually for the house, plus she didn't make enough from the arcade. And most of the time, she would spend it on herself instead.

Even though Ness was getting money for helping Steve, that wasn't an everyday thing. They would meet up once or twice a week, depending on their schedules. It was strictly business and nothing else.

Finally, after laying in bed for what felt like hours, Vanessa got up. There was no point in hibernating in her room. She had to leave in a few hours anyways.

The girl shuffled towards the door, but suddenly a weight fell on her chest, making Vanessa stop. She thought the anxiety would have been gone already, especially with her stupid negative thoughts about Steve Harrington.

Vanessa closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in and out. She slowly counted, remembering that she was safe and okay. Last night struck the girl hard with having such bad anxiety. She just hoped it wouldn't happen to her again.

After a few seconds, the blonde finally opened her lids, feeling slightly better. She exited the dark bedroom, instantly getting the smell of food through her nose. As Ness finally walked out further, seeing Eddie standing near the stove.

𝘢 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦 | 𝘴.𝘩Where stories live. Discover now