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The next morning,

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The next morning,

Steve debated going to school as he looked at himself in the mirror. The male barely got any sleep last night while tossing in his bed. All he felt was heartbreak, not wanting to go anywhere. How could someone throw everything away just like that? Especially after all he did for Wheeler.

Of course, they had fights, which is what most couples do. You yell and scream, but then you get the hell over it.

This time it was much different. The words Nancy said last night just kept repeating in his head. How she blamed him for the night being shitty. And that she didn't love him anymore. That hurt the male the most because he loved her more than anything.

The way Nancy laughed and smiled. How much motivation she gave him. It's like she hit him in the head with a bat that made Steve want to be a better person. So he would stop being an asshole to people and grow up.

He finally changed and fell in love with her.

That was a mistake.

Finally, the boy decided to go to school even though he didn't want to. Instead of picking the girl up, he went straight to Hawkins High. Even if it was a bit cold-hearted, the male didn't care at this point. His ex completely ripped his heart out. He planned on avoiding Nancy altogether.

And that's exactly what Steve did.

"We're so fucking late," Vanessa cursed as she sped down the street with her brother.

The wind blew through the van as they passed by multiple stores. Vanessa not even caring if there was a stop sign. They needed to get to school and needed to get there now.

Eddie casually rolled a blunt while metal music blasted on the radio, singing whatever song played. The only reason they were late was that her brother always slept in late. Most mornings were the same where one of them slept in, and they would be late. But ever since the metalhead got held back his senior year, Ness was on his ass.

This would be the second time Eddie was repeating the grade. He had that lazy I don't care about anything but my music attitude. The boy wouldn't do homework or just never showed up.

Most days, his sister would leave without him. And he didn't care enough to end up going. Eddie would end up sitting at home watching tv until Wayne got home. By then, the male was getting his ass chewed out about how he needed to show more initiative and prove that, eventually, he would graduate.

"I've had it up to here, son. You better start showing some interest in school", Wayne would say after they had a long yelling match.

The whole neighborhood would end up hearing it. But the two would make up in the end, as always. No matter how mad his uncle would get, the older man still loved him. It didn't matter how angry they were at each other. And Vanessa too. However, she was a bit of a hothead.

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