Part 47

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If you follow me on A03, you'll know a little about what's going on. Sorry about the long hiatus I've been on, my life has kind of been turned upside down these last few weeks! If you're still reading, I want you all to know just how much each of you mean to me! Thank you for being so patient with me ❤️

The last month had been a blur, Ashley was exhausted so she had taken a few days off, afraid that her heart was acting up again. It was the Sunday before St. Patty's Day and the boys were pumped. They had planned out what their day would look like, down to the T. Early morning mass, work, pub. The three hadn't gone to the pub too many times recently, Ashley not really in the mood for drinking with the concern of her heart on her mind.

Usually Ashley would accompany the twins to Sunday mass but the three decided that she should stay home, since she was feeling like shit. It had only been a couple minutes after the boys left she started feeling dizzy. She didn't want to worry them, but felt it best she see a doctor. She decided on calling Mary, when she answered Mary wasted no time coming to pick her up, afraid for her friends health.

Ashley wasn't able to get an appointment, but with Mary's help she was able to get a doctor to look at her at the hospital. "Thanks for doing this Dr. Adrian." The doctor smiled at Mary and nodded, "no problem, anything for my favorite nurse." She turned to Ashley as she pulled up her file. "So I see here you came in almost two months ago to be treated for pulmonary hypertension." Ashley nodded, biting back the bile that was rising in her throat. "Yeah, everything's been fine, the medications working, I all but stopped planning my wedding to reduce stress, and I'm taking it easy at work."

She squeezed her eyes shut to ward off the dizziness. "I don't understand why I feel like this." The doctor nodded and she went through her file. "The attending doctor prescribed you Bosentan?" Ashley nodded, digging around in her purse, and pulling out the bottle.

The doctor furrowed her brows as she looked over the bottle. "It's weird that there would be side effects this long after starting them but, let's run some tests, see where you're at with everything, then we'll talk about changing the medication up." Ashley nodded again, taking back the pills and tossing them into her bag.

They were led back out to a waiting room while Dr. Adrian made some referrals throughout the hospital for different tests. After another 30 minutes of waiting Ashley decided to call the boys. They would be home now, and wondering where she was. She used the pay phone in the waiting room and Murphy picked up on the first ring. "Hello?" "Hey Murphy, it's Ashley."

He sounded a little relieved as he answered "Ash, love. Where are ye?" She huffed "Okay, don't panic. Okay?" There was a silence before she heard Connor in the distance "what'd she say?" "I'm at the hospital. I'm fine, Mary was able to get a doctor here to see me. She wants to run some tests, make sure everything's okay."

"Were coming lass, we'll be there soon." She heard Connor like he was running around the apartment. "No, really. I'm fine. Mary's here to keep me company and it's just gonna be a boring few hours of going from test to test." Connor had taken the phone from Murphy, not without a fight, as she heard them bickering on the other end. "Lass, are ye sure? We can be there in 10 minutes."

She smiled at how much they cared. "I'm sure, Mary and I are spending quality time anyway," she said with a laugh. "If anything happens I'll call you, or Mary will if it's really serious, but I promise, I'm fine." She said as she leaned against the wall, another bout of nausea hitting her.

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