Part 22

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In the morning she woke to the boys shifting and moving out of bed. "Mornin' love." Murphy flopped onto the bed and grabbed her face to kiss her. She just caught sight of Conners ass as he turning into the bathroom when she parted from Murphy.

"Officer Saunders should be here any minute m'girl. We'll be back in no time." He got back up off the bed and grabbed his rosary off of the hook Ashley had put up, one for each of them. She mulled over her lip between her teeth, when Conner came out of the bathroom he dressed quickly and leaned over the mattress to Ashley pecking her on the lips.

The boys were happy she was letting them be affectionate with her after last night, they had been worried that she would push them away. "Guys?" The boys stopped and looked at her with an encouraging look to continue. "Do um, do you think I could come with you?" She had surprised even herself with the request, but with how things were going with Cody she felt a strong need to make right with God.

Both of the boys lit up like you had just told them it was buy one get one at the pub on their favorite beer. "Aye love!" Murphy practically skipped to her from the kitchen. "C'mon, let's get ye ready." He said pulling her out of bed. She dug into her dresser for her best clothes. A high waisted white pencil skirt that came to her knees and a lavender long sleeved blouse. She got dressed quickly in the bathroom, twisted her hair up on the back of her head and secured it with a clip, letting a few pieces fall loose in the front. She put on some mascara with a light lip stain and left the apartment, crossing it to put on her black kitten heels.

Both boys felt like their eyes were gonna pop out of their heads. She really was gorgeous. When she stood from putting on her shoes they left, meeting Thomas outside and letting him know she would be going to church with the boys. They opted out of having him come with them.

The closer they got to the church, the heavier the weight she felt on her chest and as they rounded the corner to the huge wooden doors she froze, trying to steady her breathing. The boys stopped and shared a look before Conner approached her. "Ye okay Lass?" She nodded, not taking her eyes off of the church. "When was the last time ye were in the church?" She swallowed harshly, willing the lump to leave her throat. "three years ago." It clicked for Conner then. "Rachel?" She felt the tears threatening her eyes as she nodded.

She closed her eyes and took one final deep breath, feeling like she was about to be crushed by the weight on her chest. "Okay." It came out as a breathy sigh, but she pushed herself forward and walked through the door Murphy had opened for her. As soon as she stepped foot in the building she became light, like all the tension and anxiety she had felt moments ago never existed. He had been waiting for her, for her to make her peace with him and when she had taken that step she felt the love, the overwhelming feeling of acceptance.

Both brothers laid a hand on her shoulder as they stood behind her. "Ye okay m'love?" Murphy asked her softly. She nodded, content. "Yeah, I am." She said with a smile. Conner lead them to a pew in the back and they sat side by side, Conner, Ashley, then Murphy. She bowed her head to pray and when she opened her eyes the boys were on their knees grasping their rosary's.

The boys faith and devotion were very prevalent in who they are, but to see them here, on their knees in prayer it was profound. They rose from their spots and left the pew, Conner brushing her hair as he passed her. She watched as they stood at the statue of Jesus, they kneeled down resuming their prayer. It was strange to her, how everyone just seemed to know and be okay with they boys interrupting mass.

When they finished they made their way back to her and sat again. After mass the boys had told her they need to do confessional. As she waited for them she made her way to the front she lit a candle for Rachel, "I don't know if you can hear me. I just... I wanna let you know I'm gonna get him. He's not going to get away with what he did to you. I promise." She looked up to the huge statue then walked back to the pew and waited for them.

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