Part 2

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A/N: Let me know what you think! I have a huge backlog of chapters to post. I don't have a schedule for them planned just yet, but I'd love to hear from my readers!


She jolted awake, a loud bang from downstairs echoed through the house. Her parents must be home a little earlier than they originally said they'd be, but they had been reluctant to leave in the first place. They wanted to spend time with her before she left to Ottawa for her new job, and she had promised them if they went out on their weekly date night that they would all watch a movie when they got back. She pulled the sheets off of her and slipped on her slippers before padding her way down the stairs. "MA? DA?" No answer. She went to the kitchen, pulling out a bag of pop corn and throwing it in the microwave to start it for the movie. "MA, DA, WHY DONT YOU GUYS PICK THE MOVIE. ILL BE IN WITH THE SNACKS IN A MINUTE." No answer. She furrowed her brows and felt a chill run down her spine. Something was wrong. She carefully and slowly made her way out of the kitchen, hearing shuffling in the living room. As she turned the corner, she was pinned against the wall, all air knocked out of her as her back collided with the wall. A strong arm across her throat and an unmoving body pressed against hers. His face came right up to hers. It was wrong, his face it was contorted and not how it should be, his eyes black and a grin that was wider than humanly possible "finally." He whispered as the microwave beeped.

She woke with pain radiating across her torso. She sat up, trying to catch her breath, realizing she was on the floor. Her hand went to her bruised side while the other wiped the sweat from her brow. The nightmare had done its job, she had slept less than five hours and she wasn't going to bed any time soon. She got up and made some tea before turning on the small TV she had originally looked over. The only channels that came in were a news channel and a shopping channel that was currently trying to sell jewelry, but it would be good enough for the white noise she was using it for. She kept the volume low as she took out her book from her bag and got comfy reading.

She had nearly finished her book when she heard a rasp on the door. She felt a tsunami of fear wash over her as she stared at the door over her book. She had no weapon. How could she be so stupid that's one of the first things she should have done was secure a weapon by her bed. "I-its just me lass." Granda. She pried her stiff fingers off her book and made her way to the door. She opened the door to the man who held up two paper bags. "Breakfast?" She gave him a warm smile and stepped aside, letting him in.

They sat at the small table and enjoyed the takeout breakfast. "A-A-Any plans today?" She looked around the apartment and shrugged. "I should go get some groceries, maybe find a library." He wiped his mouth with a napkin."You need help, Lass?" She pushed away the empty container and rested her elbows on the table "no I think I can manage. Can you just tell me where everything is, and I'll explore a bit?" She cleared their trays into the garbage and started unpacking and packing her bag for the day trip around the city.

With directions written down and some cash in her pocket, she took off to the grocery store as Doc preped the pub to open. With it being Saturday, the pub opened earlier and would close later. She stepped out into the warm morning and started on her way to the store.

The bags weighed heavy on her arms, and she was cursing herself for getting three bags of stuff when she should have gotten less. The one bag was up around her elbow, avoiding her injured wrist, and the other two were digging into her palms on her other hand. When she reached the pub, she was just barely able to open the door and sneak inside. Her granda spotted her and scolded her. "Ye s-s- FUCK!ASS! shoulda let me help ye. Yer gonna hurt yaself more, lass." She dropped the bags by the door with a huff."I know Granda, thought I could do it myself, tho."

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