Part 28

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'Sometimes people just don't wake up.' 'You may have to prepare yourselves.' 'She's only deteriorating.'

It had been another two weeks. The boys, as much as they wanted to feel close to Ashley they couldn't be in the apartment. Not without knowing she was okay. The huge pool of blood that had been cleaned, but had stained and only fueled their anger at it all. So they stayed at there's, which just didn't feel like home anymore.

The doctors had tried. The doctors had stopped the vents, only for her to sputter and crash. Heart complications. That's what they said was happening now. Something to do with her not getting enough oxygen due to her injured lung was now effecting her heart.

The boys hadn't slept well since it all happened but last night was the worst. Before coming home they had a huge argument with her Da when they found out they were taking her off life support. The DNR was signed and today was the day. The two with Rocco in toe made their way to her room. It still didn't feel real, that their girl would be gone after today, she would be back with God. They couldn't even make eye contact with her parents as they took their seats beside her bed.

The doctor came in after a few hours. Indicating it was time, time to say goodbye. Rocco stepped forward, brushing his hand over her head before kissing her hairline "love ya, hun." The tears welling in his eyes as he pulled away from her.

Murphy struggled to stand on his crutches, leaned over her putting one hand on the far side of the bed and the other cupped her face. He connected their lips in a deep and emotional kiss, pushing all his feelings for her into it. He pulled away and took in her features "I love ye m'girl." He didnt realize he was crying until tears dropped onto her face. He wiped them away and sat back down, letting Connor say his good byes.

Connor brushed her hair out of her face then cupped her cheeks, kissing her forehead then resting his there. "Sweetheart, I love ye so much. Please, please come back ta us." He pulled away and searched her face for any sign that she would wake up, any sign she heard him. He found none, her face remained unmoving, so still. He furrowed his eyebrows and kissed her hard, harder then he'd ever kissed her because this was the last time he would ever feel her lips on his.

He pulled away running his hands over her face as if it would help to engrain her every feature into his mind. He pulled away and let her family say there goodbyes. Her Ma and Da, Granda, they all cried repeatedly telling her how much they loved her.

"Okay were going to remove the ventilator, it may only be moments after that, it might me a few hours." The doctor stated. They all watched at the nurses removed all sorts of life sustaining care, removing the vent and wires, removing needles IV's. When it was done the doctor excused himself and left.

The boys removed their rosary's from their shirts and grasped them hard. They leaned into and over her body, silently praying, making promises to God in order to keep her here, keep her with them. The boys sat there listening to her labored breathing for a while, never breaking from their relentless prayers. The only time they were pulled from their thoughts was when Rocco spoke. "H-holy shit. No.. NO FUCKING WAY!" He yelled from the side of the room, rushing to her feet. The boys looked up simultaneously and glared at Rocco, only to find his eyes glued to Ashley.

They followed his bewildered gaze to their girl to find her eyes trained on the two, with a weak smile across her chapped lips. "Hi." She croaked. Connor jumped up out of his seat and ran his hand over the side of her face "Lass?" She pushed her face into his hand and smiled wider. Murphy's head dropped as tears poured down his face. She brought her hand up to his face and brushed her fingers over his cheek.

When he felt her touch he immediately looked up to her and held her hand to his face. She felt his wet tears on the palm of her hand and furrowed her brows at him "He- Hey.... I'm-" Connor pulled his hand from her face "le's get ye some water sweetheart." He said as he grabbed the glass near her bed and brought the straw to her lips.

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