Part 1

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This is the last thing Ashley expected, but these past three years had been the last thing she expected. It was like she was living in a nightmare and couldn't wake up, from the day she had found out Rachel died to just last week when she woke up in the hospital after her stalker had broke into her home and brutally attacked her. This is how she found herself taking up a new identity and seeking asylum across the border in Boston, Massachusetts.

Her Granda would be expecting her soon and with the help of the detective working her case in Toronto and the detective waiting for her in Boston, she was able to cross the border with little problem. The drive was uneventful but she could still feel the persistent ache in her body and the cut on her throat that was now in the ichy phase of healing. By the time she arrived at her Granda's bar it was late, she could hear the crowded bar from outside as soon as she stepped out of her car.

McGinty's. She sighed and grabbed her small to-go backpack from the car and threw it over her shoulder. When the door was swung open she was hit in the face with the smell of stale beer, cigarettes and a slight hint of must. She grimaced at the smell before stepping in, the noise was overwhelming but she quickly got to searching for her Granda. She found him behind the bar serving up drinks to rowdy patrons, with a smile on his face and laughing at something someone said. She wove between the many people and ducked behind the counter, catching her Granda's attention right away.

He turned to her, taking in her appearance. He had prepared himself when his daughter had called and told him the state of his granddaughter but he didn't expect it to be this bad. Her lip was split, the bruise that surrounded her left eye was fading into a yellow color but was still prominent, her nose had a healing wound on the bridge where it had been broken. Her right wrist was wrapped because of a sprain that happened when trying to fight off her attacker and she had a limp from the healing injury to her ankle. The worse of it was that cut halfway across her neck, if the cops hadn't shown when they did that cut might have been deeper and more... to the point.

After seeing her, concern quickly replaced the joyful demeanor that just moments ago graced his aging face. He placed down the bottle he was pouring from and moved towards her with open arms, reaching to embrace her. When he reached her his hands landed on the sides of her face "so glad to have ye, lass." She felt the love and warmth radiate from the man she hadn't seen in easily seven years and felt the tears start to prick the sides of her eyes. However, she was also very aware of the crowded bar now looking onto the pair of them with interest. "Thank ya granda, the drive was long. Ma said you had a room for me?"

The man turned her on her heels towards the far side of the bar "upstairs lass." She heard him yell over his shoulder "boys keep an eye, would ye." And a loud and echoing "aye" Followed. He lead her to a narrow stairway and motioned for her to go up. They climbed the stairs and made their way down the hall to a doorway, which her granda unlocked before placing the keys in her hands. She gave him a soft smile as she opened the door to the open concept apartment. Inside there was a single bed, a small table with chairs, a tiny kitchen area with an ancient fridge and a worn couch. In the back their was a small bathroom with a stand up shower, toilet and sink.

"It ain't m‐much but when yer ma told me ye were c-c-comin' down I cleared it out and got some b-b-basic furniture." She wondered over to the small bed with new sheets and dropped her bag before sitting down. She ran her hands over the sheets before looking at the man "I really appreciate this granda. I just wish I came back to see you under better circumstances." He nodded his head "aye lass, m-me too. Ye gonna come down a-an' have a d-drink?" She looked around the apartment and gave him a nod. "I have that detective coming soon anyway to meet with me. Uh, detective Duffy I think is his name." Her Granda nodded understandingly and turned to leave before she called him back. "Oh, uh Granda I um I don't know if ma told you but I have to go by a new name and whatnot to be safe about this. I'm gonna be going by Sarah Walsh." He gave her a small smile "Aye lass, I know." She gave him a quick nod before she dropped her head and he walked away, back to the waiting patrons.

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