Thirty four

751 33 0

All these kdrama, tv, movie, and anime streaming sites need to chill with their notifications and accessibility. I'm so close to just only doing shows/movies I can find and watch on Netflix or just making updates once every two weeks cause my patience is running thin at this point.

 I'm so close to just only doing shows/movies I can find and watch on Netflix or just making updates once every two weeks cause my patience is running thin at this point

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The trio was finally able to sneak out of the mall and end their date by seeing a movie before heading home. As per usual, Seojun and Suho bickered over how Chankyung would get home, with her quickly saying she was going to take a taxi home and they could do rock, paper, scissors to determine who paid for it today. She didn't know if she should be happy or upset that she was quickly adjusting to their two strong personalities. Suho ended up winning, paid for the taxi, nearly leaning in to kiss Chankyung's head goodbye, but was pulled away by Seojun, saying they still had to buy a few things, and then waved Chankyung goodbye as the taxi drove away.

She had a laugh as she imagined Suho would complain about Seojun to her once they had a moment alone.

When she returned home, she found Eunbyeol sleeping on the couch from either her long shift at work or her tiring day at college, or probably both. She still took her sister's shoes off, placing them back on the rack by the door, and threw a blanket over her so she wouldn't be cold. She checked around for any sign of their mom but only found a hastily written note from her saying she was working late writing articles at the office. Chankyung crumbled the note and threw it out before heading up to her room, calling it a night, and going to bed.

The next day, Chankyung woke up hearing a ruckus downstairs. She dragged herself out of bed, holding in a yawn, and walked downstairs. She frowned at seeing her sister trying to make breakfast while still groggy.

"Should you be in the kitchen when you're still half asleep?" She asked Eunbyeol, rubbing the eyecrust away.

"Probably not, but someone has to make sure we get something to eat until later," Eunbyeol answered. "Ah here. Mom left lunch money before she went out again."

Eunbyeol handed an envelope out to her younger sister, stirring a pot of soup with her other hand, and focused her gaze on her other task. Chankyung took the envelope, checked the inside, and frowned when seeing it was around 133 thousand won. It would get her by for a few days if she stuck to just two light meals or one big meal outside and then cooked something for herself once she got home. She closed the envelope and looked up at her sister.

"Thanks," She said to Eunbyeol. "I'll get dressed and come back in a few minutes."

Like she said, it only took a few moments to get dressed, waking herself up by putting on moisturizer, and apply foundation to at least look half-ready. She could finish the rest on the bus or in the car if Eunbyeol didn't have to rush to either campus or her job. When she arrived downstairs, uniform all on except her jacket, which she had in her arms, Eunbyeol was finished making a simple breakfast of chicken noodle soup, eggs, and kimchi. Chankyung noticed that Eunbyeol had put more potato chunks in her bowl of soup. The Hwang sisters began quickly eating, each knowing they had to leave soon so they couldn't make small talk, putting their plates and utensils in the sink to be washed later, and exiting the house at the same time.

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