Chapter 16

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It was dark outside and cold while Aurora slept peacefully in her bed. She wasn't going to lie. Since the death of her parents, she found it scary to sleep alone now, knowing no one else was in the house. Often, single people choose the company of an animal or living with someone they know. But Aurora had no pets and no partner to live with. Even though she discovered she had feelings for Aspen. She also accepted that Lori was a wolf and she thought it was pretty cool. You would think the wolves were as big as from Twilight. Think of Jacob, for example. But no. The wolves were the same size as ordinary wolves.

Aurora was sleeping peacefully in her bed under the covers, but she was also alert. Since Lori's warning, she had never been so alert. She had to protect herself, so she chose a frying pan instead of a dangerous knife. She didn't want to kill anyone with a knife, even if it was accidental. But she tried to stop The Wolf Killers for good. There were far- different ways you will think or say, but Aurora wanted to stop the alpha of the killers who had killed her parents. The feeling of revenge did not disappear from her mind and she tried to carry it out all the time. But she had to be careful and use help from others. But Aspen, his group, and Lori also want to stop The Wolf Killers, right? What if there were more deaths?

Then she heard it -- a window getting broken. The girl startled herself wide awake, leaving no sounds out of her mouth. She had to be quiet. Aurora quietly got out of her bed and grabbed her frying pan. It was a big one so Aurora must use her strength to swing it. She was alone in her shorts and T-shirt and walking barefoot.

She went in the direction of the sound and, apparently, it was coming from downstairs, in the living room. Indeed. One of the windows was broken and many pieces of glass lay on the floor. Aurora never felt so scared in her life. She was even shivering and her eyes were wide open. Then she heard and felt it. Someone was standing behind her. Aurora used quickly and all her strength to swing the large frying pan, but the figure dodged it just in time. Aurora wanted to swing the frying pan again but the figure stopped it.

"Easy now," a familiar voice said to her. It was Aspen.

Aurora felt relieved that it was Aspen. She sniffled and began to cry softly. "Aspen..."

Aspen could detect that she was crying. He looked gently at her and put his hand on her shoulder. "Calm down. It's me. You're coming with me."

Aurora was still crying but quietly and she looked at him in surprise. Was she going with him? Along to where? Just before Aurora opened her mouth to ask where she saw Aspen sniffing. He growled. "We have to go. Now!" He was dead serious and lifted her up just like a hero does to a princess. Or think of a married couple.

Aurora let out a gasp of shock and dropped her frying pan. She quickly put her arms around him and he ran quickly in Aurora's opinion. He used all his might to get the door open and he succeeded. He made sure to cover Aurora. He ran toward the forest and began to run even faster. Aurora wondered how he could run so fast. Perhaps the power of the wolf he was carrying? Then Aurora heard someone following behind them. Was it The Wolf Killers? Were they the members of The Wolf Boys? Then he heard the howl of a wolf from near her home. Aurora pressed her head against Aspen's chest and closed her eyes. Where are they going? Only Aspen can lead the way to who knows where.


It took a few minutes before Aspen finally stopped and that was when Aurora heard... a waterfall? She opened her eyes and, indeed, they were at the waterfall! The sight looked really beautiful...

Aspen carefully put her back on the ground on her bare feet and watched her. That was when others appeared along with Lori but as wolves. Then they all transformed back to humans and, of course, had clothes on. Aspen took Aurora's hand in his and gently dragged her along in the direction behind the waterfall. The others followed as well. Aurora gasped when she saw a beautiful large cabin house some deep behind the waterfall and Aspen chuckled. That was when they stopped at the door and Aspen turned toward her. "Welcome to your new home, Aurora."

Excuse me, a new home?

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