Chapter 19

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The full moon shone in the sky and it had been hours since Aspen and Aurora became a couple. I guess you could say they had a lot of fun behind the waterfall below. Aurora did hide a bruise left by Aspen on her neck. Lori and Hunter also became a couple and entered the living room hand-in-hand.

Now everyone was outside. Aurora stood in the middle of a circle that The Wolf Boys formed along with Lori. Aspen entered the circle and looked earnestly at his love. "Are you prepared, Aurora?"

Aurora looked at the others around her and she saw that everyone nodded at her, including Lori. The girl looked back at Aspen and nodded at him.

Aspen nodded back at her. "You will be bitten on your outer arm. You will feel some pain but not much. That's normal." Then he transformed into a wolf and the others immediately followed. The moon shone beautifully beneath Aurora and the girl stooped. She held out her outer arm to the alpha. Aspen, who was a wolf, blushingly watched how clean she looked under the moonlight.

But he soon woke up and started licking Aurora's outer arm first. Aurora quickly looked away and closed her eyes. After the licking was done, she felt some pain in that area. Fortunately, the pain was not bad and before she knew it, Aspen backed away and transformed back into a human. Aurora closed her eyes and concentrated on transforming into a wolf. Before she knew it, she finally became a wolf. She opened her eyes and had to lift her head up because she was on four legs and also because Aspen was a human. She saw how in shock the whole team looked at her and Aurora tilted her head to show she was looking confused.

Aspen saw it and he smiled softly. "You are completely white with blue eyes. You are beautiful, Aurora." He looked at the group and nodded. Aurora was silent to see what was about to happen and then, one by one, began to cry in the sky. Aurora was impressed.

After the crying stopped, everyone, including Aurora, transformed back into humans and looked at Aspen. "I am leaving now to speak to the alpha of The Wolf Killers. Remember what I said." The last bit Aspen sounded serious and he transformed into a wolf. Before he ran away toward the forest, he heard Aurora calling his name. Aspen looked at her.

Aurora looked gently at her lover and it seemed that she almost had to cry. "I love you."

Aspen smiled at her like a wolf and disappeared into the darkness, the moon now guiding him. What if he was in danger? What if he gets ... killed? She put her hand on her stomach and looked at it. What if, during their activity, it accidentally got broken? Aurora did feel something a little strange now.

Lori immediately went to her and Aurora looked up at her as her friend began to comfort her. That was when Aurora began to cry and Lori hugged her. "Everything will be fine. He will return. Believe in him."

Alan, Jake, and Hunter also joined in to comfort Aurora and the team went inside and began waiting for Aspen to return.

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