That Part of My Life is Done

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Instead of Klaus's face, Mallorie was met with Stefan's. Her other eye popped open as her heart rate started to flatten out. Klaus's footsteps receded back into the apartment. Even though he was only about a foot from her, Mallorie couldn't get a read on Stefan's face.

"Look what I found," Stefan said. A tear leaked out of Mallorie's eye and down her cheek as Klaus came back. Stefan pulled a bottle from one of the lower shelves before Klaus could join him in the secret room. "1918. Single malt."

"My favorite," Klaus said as Stefan stepped out of the room and handed the bottle to him. "Let's go and find someone to pair it with."

As Klaus walked toward the entrance, Stefan pushed the pantry door shut. As the darkness engulfed her once more, Mallorie felt more tears slip from her eyes. The front door shut. Mallorie stood paralyzed for what felt like hours. She finally pulled her phone from her shorts pocket. Straight to voicemail.

"Damon, I swear to God. If you left me here I will kill you. Klaus and Stefan just showed up. Get back here." Mallorie hung up.

The realization that they might come back sent Mallorie reeling. Luckily, she had shoved a few vervain darts in the pocket of her jacket. She mustered enough courage to push open the door to the pantry. The apartment was dark.

Mallorie stepped out and shut the pantry. Staying out of sight of the door, Mallorie hid behind the wall in the kitchen with the vervain dart ready to strike. She stood there for a long time before paranoia set in. Any little noise and Mallorie was poised to strike.

Footsteps easily caught her attention. Mallorie peered around the corner of the wall with tense muscles ready to jump back if it was Klaus returning. Instead, Damon appeared with a bag over his shoulder. He furrowed his brow.

"Finally. I called you an hour ago." Mallorie marched toward him.

"I know. I got caught up getting this." Damon tossed the bag at her. "Make yourself presentable. I know where Stefan's going to be tonight."

"I told you that I was practically discovered by Klaus, and you're worried about what I'm wearing?" Mallorie asked.

"I had an hour to realize what a bad idea it was to leave you here alone, process it, and move on." His eyes settled on her, and his expression changed. He put one hand on her arm. "Are you okay?"

Mallorie shrugged. "Yeah."

"Okay, good. Get dressed." Damon shooed her. "You're all road-trippy and gross. Not to mention that attire would never be acceptable where we're going."

"Where exactly is that?" Mallorie asked as she walked toward the one bathroom with the bag.

"Those details don't matter. What does matter is that he'll be with Klaus." Damon took a seat in the leather armchair in the living room. "So I'll distract Klaus, and you deal with Stefan."

"Okay. Thank you." Panic left Mallorie's body.

Damon stood up. "But you're going to have about five minutes tops before that hybrid freak rips my heart out. So please, tell me you can do this."

Mallorie swallowed hard. "I can do this."


Damon had picked a simple black dress with some floral details for Mallorie to wear. She couldn't help but notice how his eyes lit up when she walked out of the bathroom with it. Now that she was waiting for Damon to get Stefan alone, she couldn't get him out of her head. 

He could be such a jerk sometimes, but the way he looked at her said so much. Damon was a dick out of fear. Right now, he had just watched Andie die and was afraid he'd lose his brother. Mallorie couldn't be added to that list. That's why he refused to get close. Honestly, Mallorie couldn't blame him.

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