The First Day

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~ September 6, 2009 ~

"Are we going to pick up Elena?" Mallorie asked Caroline as they drove toward the school.

Caroline flicked her blonde curly hair out of her face. "No, I think Bonnie was going to get her this morning. I hope she's doing all right."

"If she wasn't, I'm sure she wouldn't be coming back to school." Mallorie gazed out the window.

"This all must be just so difficult on her," Caroline said.

"Caroline, promise me you won't badger her today at school." Mallorie turned to look at Caroline as a black mass slammed into the windshield.

Both girls shrieked. Caroline stomped on the breaks. Mallorie grabbed onto the dash as the car screeched to a halt.

"What was that?" Caroline asked.

"I think it was a bird or something," Mallorie said.

"Yeah, that must've been it." Caroline looked in her mirrors before starting to drive again.

"Look, Elena has to be well-adjusted. She's stronger than you think." Mallorie sunk back into the seat.

"Yeah, but why hasn't she been seen all summer?" Caroline asked.

"She needed some time. It was all too fresh. Being back to school will help her." Mallorie smiled. "A schedule is very helpful."

Caroline pulled into the school parking lot. A lot of students mingled around, but most headed into the school. Caroline made a disgusted face as she watched the students.

"What?" Mallorie asked with a giggle.

"There's a major lack of boy real estate. We need some fresh meat." Caroline scanned the crowd.

Mallorie rolled her eyes. "Come on. Let's go see everyone."

The pair stepped out of the vehicle and headed toward the main entrance. A large wolf image was plastered on the side of the building with the words "Mystic Falls Timberwolves" all around it. As they walked in the front door, someone bumped into Mallorie. Hard.

"Hey! Watch it!" Mallorie shouted.

The boy turned around. Mallorie knew his blonde hair and bright blue eyes anywhere. He chuckled as she punched him in the arm.

"Not funny Mattycakes." Mallorie grinned.

Matt sighed. "When are you going to stop calling me that? It was cute when I was seven, but not now."

"Yes, but it annoys you, so I'm going to keep calling you that." Mallorie giggled.

"Hi, Matt." Caroline smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Hey, Caroline." Matt looked down the hall as they reached their lockers.

Mallorie followed his gaze. Down a few lockers, Elena Gilbert waved at him. Matt shot a glare but went back to emptying his bag into his locker.

"Have I said I'm sorry yet?" Mallorie asked.

"About a million times," Matt grunted.

"Well, I am." Mallorie looked into his eyes.

"I know. But I don't want you to stop hanging out with her. I know she's your friend. That isn't fair to her or you." Matt closed his locker. "See you later?"

"Yeah, see you, Matt." Mallorie frowned.

"We have to go see Elena." Caroline grabbed her wrist. "We have to check on her."


Caroline marched right up to Elena and threw her arms around her. "Elena! Oh my God!"

Mallorie mouthed, "I'm sorry" to Elena.

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