House Arrest

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Mallorie raced into the tomb faster than she thought her feet could carry her. Luckily, she reached the ground just as Elena approached the cave. With every bit of energy she had left, Mallorie launched herself at Elena and tackled her to the ground.

"Mallorie?" Elena wriggled out of Mallorie's grip. "Stefan's in there, you have to help me."

Elena got to her feet again and rushed toward the cave. Mallorie couldn't get to her feet in time to save her. Damon appeared behind Elena and pinned her to the wall.

"Don't you dare." Damon seethed. "If I have to go in there after you, I'll kill you myself."

"Stefan's in there, Damon!" Elena stopped her struggle. "How could you let this happen?"

"I was trying to save your sister from her crazy kamikaze mission." Damon seethed. "I can't save everyone."

"You didn't even have to go after the moonstone in the first place." Elena struggled again.

"It was the right call, Elena." Mallorie approached Damon.

"The right call? How is any of this the right call?" Elena fixed her gaze on Damon again. "Damon, let go of me."

Elena beat her fists against Damon's chest. Mallorie stepped up beside him and grabbed Elena's shoulders. With a heaving chest, Elena looked over at Mallorie.

"This is all my fault. You want to hit someone, hit me." Mallorie released Elena's shoulders. "But first, we need to leave. We'll get him out once we have a plan."

Elena nodded, and Damon slowly let go of her. Damon backed away. Mallorie stopped Elena from going into the cave one last time. She took her sister's arm and led her out of the cave.

When they were above ground again, tears flowed freely from Elena's eyes. Mallorie hugged Elena tightly for a long time. Damon finally reemerged, and they loaded into the car and drove off. 

Once Mallorie helped Elena into the house and the open arms of Jeremy, she walked back to Damon's car. "What'd he say?"

"We need to keep Elena from the cave." Damon frowned. "Think you can manage tonight? I can keep an eye on the house."

"No." Mallorie shook her head. "Go home and rest. Jeremy and I can take care of her for now. We'll call Bonnie or Caroline if we need reinforcements."

"And who will you call to protect you?" Damon's innocent-looking eyes stared up at her. He seemed childlike.

"Elijah hasn't been invited in. Nor has Klaus or any other nasty original vampire who wants to kill me. I'll be safe." Mallorie poked his nose. "How are you feeling about all this?"

Damon sighed. "We're smart. We'll get him out."

"Good. Now, go home and rest because I'll be calling you for assistance in the morning." Mallorie turned toward the house.

"Goodnight, Mallorie," Damon said so softly, Mallorie was sure she wasn't supposed to hear. She moved along as if she hadn't.

A smile was glued to her cheeks as she made her way up to Elena's room. She was ready to sleep in front of the door if it would keep her from leaving. When she arrived though, Elena had stopped crying and glared at Mallorie.

"What's wrong?" Mallorie asked.

"What isn't?" Elena threw her arms up. "My boyfriend is locked in the tomb, my brother almost died today, and my sister is keeping secrets from me."

Mallorie scoffed. "Secrets?"

"Don't try to deny it. You've been acting strange for weeks now. I need to know what's going on right now." Elena's angry face was a foot from Mallorie's.

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