Uninvited Guests

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Mallorie studied her grandfather's writings all afternoon. Though she was learning more about vampires, she couldn't find a way to escape the prison. Which was unfortunate because she so desperately wanted to see Damon's face if she were to appear on his doorstep. Needing a break from all the pages of furious scribbling, Mallorie walked out of her room. She found Jenna waist-deep into the closet under the stairs. 

"What are you doing?" Mallorie asked.

"Oh, perfect timing." Jenna handed Mallorie a beat-up box.

"Woah." Mallorie's knees almost buckled with the weight of the box. "What is all this stuff?"

"It's Miranda's files from the Historical Society." Jenna sighed. "I got roped into helping Mrs. Lockwood and by roped, I mean very excited to participate."

As Jenna stood, she pulled a box up with her. She used said box to swing the door to the closet shut. Someone stood on the other side of the door, leaning against the wall. When Mallorie's eyes landed on his face, she felt her blood turn to ice. A quiet gasp escaped her lips as he smiled at her.

"Hey. I'm Elijah," Elijah said casually.

Jenna, not noticing the panic sinking into Mallorie's gut, came over and took the box from her hands. "Elijah's in town researching on Mystic Falls."

"It's a pleasure." Elijah stepped closer to Mallorie and extended his hand.

Mallorie stared down at his palm as if a knife would soon slide out of his sleeve and stab her. To not tip Jenna off that something was wrong, Mallorie wiped her clammy hand on her jeans before shaking Elijah's. His grip was firm but not forceful. He smiled pleasantly at Mallorie.

"So you know, you're welcome to stay here and rummage through this stuff." Jenna moved to stand beside Mallorie. "Or Mallorie and I can help you load it into your car."

Elijah pursed his lips. "Yeah, or I can get someone to pick it up tomorrow."

Jenna nodded. "Also a good plan."

"Thank you so much for inviting me into your home, Jenna." Elijah stopped on his way to the door. "And Mallorie, I hope to see you again sometime soon."

As soon as the door clicked closed behind Elijah, Mallorie swiftly raced up the stairs toward Elena's room. The door was shut and most likely locked since Elena had been in such a wonderful mood when she had left this morning. Mallorie knocked and went for the handle, but Elijah's cool fingers wrapped around her wrist. He released her, only to put a finger to his lips; it was a warning, not a choice.

Elena pulled the door open. "What is it? Did you find a way out?"

"No." Mallorie brushed her hair back. "Jenna just needed some help with the boxes downstairs. She thinks you might know the contents better than me."

"Okay, yeah." Elena brushed past Mallorie and walked downstairs.

Mallorie watched her go. The terror from downstairs was quickly rippling up her spine. She knew Elijah could hear her heartbeat hammering in her chest. There was no other option than to face her fear. She slowly turned to face him, trying to regain her composure.

"That was a wise choice." Elijah leaned against the wall.

"What do you want?" Mallorie asked through clenched teeth.

"I think it's time you and I had a chat." Elijah's face was calm and unreadable.

After checking downstairs for any signs of movement, Mallorie led Elijah down to her room. If something went wrong, she could still scream. With a deep breath, she closed the door to her room. 

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