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"What do you mean?" Elena asked.

Mallorie sighed and shifted on Elena's window seat. "The sun and moon curse was sealed with Petrova blood, so Klaus needs it to reverse the curse."

"Why can't he use me?" Elena asked. "I'm a Petrova, too."

"It has to be a Petrova doppelgänger. While he could use you, he's going to target me. Rose said I'm the true, elder Petrova doppelgänger. I look like more women in the Petrova line." Mallorie hugged the pillow close to herself. "Since Katherine is a vampire, I'm the only viable source."

"But there's a way out of this, right?" Elena asked. "There has to be. You're too calm for there not to be a loophole."

Mallorie nodded. "If we can get the moonstone from Katherine, apparently a witch can render it useless. Without it, Klaus can't break the spell, and I won't die."

With a groan, Elena laid back in her bed. "I don't like that your fate rests in her hands."

"Me neither, but we have to hope she's on our side." Mallorie got up and sat on the edge of Elena's bed. "She's ready to be done running from Klaus. We may have the upper hand here."

"It's scary to think there's someone out there more powerful than her." Elena stared at the ceiling.

"I know." Mallorie played with the tassel of one of the pillows. "Apparently there's more than one of them, the originals. I'm sure they're all that strong."

Elena sat up. "Let's hope we never have to meet them."

"If everything goes our way, we won't." Mallorie smiled.

"I think that's enough darkness for one night." Elena ran a hand through her hair. "You've had a long day. Get some rest, okay?"

"I will." Mallorie stood and pointed at Elena as she exited. "You do the same."

"Yes, ma'am." Elena saluted with a giggle.

As Mallorie exited, she nearly ran into Alaric, in his underwear. She jumped back in surprise. Ric lowered his ice cream bowl.

"Mallorie." Alaric cleared his throat.

"Sorry, Elena and I were just having some late-night girl talk." Mallorie gestured toward Elena's closed door.

Jenna hurried up the steps behind Ric and ran her fingers through her hair as her cheeks pinked up. "Oh my gosh, Mallorie. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed a conversation with my sister." Mallorie felt as uncomfortable as they looked.

"We didn't think anyone else was up." Ric shrugged.

"But here you are." Jenna rubbed Mallorie's arm.

"We were know..." Ric fumbled over his words before extending the bowl toward Mallorie. "Chunky monkey?"

"No thanks." Mallorie waved her hand.

"Well..."Ric chuckled. "I'm naked, so I'm gonna go."

Alaric quickly scrambled to Jenna's room. Trying to suppress a laugh, Mallorie lowered her head and walked toward the stairs. Jenna caught her arm.

"I'm really really sorry." The pinkness was finally subsiding from Jenna's cheeks.

"It's okay, Jenna. Don't worry about it." Mallorie smiled.

"I know he's been staying over a lot. Are you guys sure you're okay with it?" Jenna's eye searched Mallorie's.

Mallorie looked at Jenna's room door. "It seems like things are good."

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