Restoring Hope

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Klaus extended his hand to Mallorie as the flames around her disappeared. With a glare, Mallorie pulled herself up from the ground and marched past Klaus. As she approached the stone altar, her throat felt like it was closing. Jenna lay at her feet dead. The stake still protruded from her chest. Fresh tears fell from her eyes.

With an interested look, Klaus turned Mallorie's face to look at him instead of Jenna. Mallorie fought him at first as she caught a glimpse of Stefan trying to pull himself up from the ground with the stake still in his back. Eventually, Klaus became too strong to fight.

"Thank you," His blue eyes bore into hers.

"Go to hell." Mallorie fought the urge to spit on his face.

Stefan continued to struggle to get to his feet, but he collapsed to the ground. Klaus released his hold on Mallorie's face as he walked around her. Pain coursed through her body as Klaus's teeth sunk into the soft skin on her neck. The flames in the bowl grew in front of Mallorie's eyes. Stefan cried out from the ground.

Mallorie waited for the pain to end. Part of her wanted Bonnie to kill him now. She wanted him to drop dead at her feet so she could kick the hell out of his body. Even then, she wouldn't be able to bring Jenna back. Mallorie wanted the world to grow black. She wanted to join Jenna in that sweet bliss of death. No more human pain. The last thing Mallorie heard was Stefan's scream as the world faded to black around her.


~ Damon ~

Damon heard Stefan's scream rip through the woods as he and Bonnie made their way toward the quarry. Bonnie began reciting the spell that would hopefully kill Klaus, but Damon wasn't catching what she was saying. He felt as if someone had ripped his heart in two. He knew Klaus had killed Mallorie. When he made it to the quarry, he would have to look at her dead body.

Bonnie made it out of the woods first. Damon took a deep breath preparing himself for what he was about to see. Letting Bonnie go first ended up being a good move. She distracted Klaus's witch so Damon could sneak up behind her and snap her neck. He didn't even pay attention to Klaus, who Bonnie had caused to levitate in the air.

Mallorie's lifeless body lay across the stone slab in front of him. She rested beside Jenna, who was ashen gray. That was Damon's fault. Blondie would've been better. He carefully scooped Mallorie into his arms as tears trickled down his face. Damon carried her out to where Stefan lay. He gently laid her on the ground next to Stefan, who touched her arm. In a fluid motion, Damon ripped the stake from Stefan's back.

"Come on. We need to get out of here." Damon picked Mallorie up again. When Stefan didn't follow, Damon turned back. "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm not leaving until he's dead," Stefan said.

Damon didn't wait for another word. He needed to get Mallorie as far away from here as possible. If she came back, no one knew what Klaus would do to her, especially if she was a vampire. The sound of Klaus screaming in pain brought a smile to Damon's face as he used his vamp speed to get out of there.

When Damon reached the old witch house, he was beginning to lose hope. He thought for sure Mallorie would have woken up by now. A few more tears leaked down his face as he carried her into the parlor and laid her on one of the couches.

"If you come back as a vampire, I'll stake you myself." Damon smoothed her hair out as he crouched beside her. "So, don't. Because I can't stand the idea of you hating me forever."

Jeremy, Elena, and Alaric raced into the room. "How is she?" Elena asked.

Damon stared down at Mallorie's closed eyes, willing them to open even if they would shoot daggers at him. "I don't know yet?"

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