A Monsterous Murder

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"There you are!" Matt set a tub overflowing with dishes on the counter. "The band showed up an hour early and has been ordering food non-stop. Tables four and seven need bussing, and table twelve's drinks are in the kitchen."

Mallorie glanced around the packed restaurant. "Busy place. Let me put my purse in back, then I'll get on it."

After what felt like hours of circling tables bringing food, taking away empty plates, sweeping the floor, and wiping down tables, Mallorie finally found a minute to relax. The band started playing as Mallorie slipped into the kitchen. Mallorie placed her tips in her purse and pressed her sweaty forehead against the cool, metal counter.

"I never want to see another band in the vicinity of the Grill." Matt walked out of the freezer.

"Just remember all the tips we're making tonight." Mallorie reluctantly pulled herself up to stand straight.

"You're right." Matt leaned against the counter beside her. "At least we get a break for a few minutes."

Mallorie opened her purse and pulled out a bag of licorice. "Want a strand?"

Matt pulled a rope off the chunk of licorice. "Thanks."

"We'd better get back to work." Mallorie tucked the licorice back into her bag and placed it under the counter.

Mallorie's phone slipped out of her purse and rolled onto the floor. When she picked it up, she noticed no notifications. Something in her stomach didn't sit right. She peered out into the restaurant and noticed Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, and Jenna entering the Grill. Without a thought, she raced over and grabbed Elena.

"What? What's wrong?" Elena asked.

"Did Stefan say anything to you?" Mallorie asked.

"About what?" Elena furrowed her brows.

"Anything?" Mallorie shook Elena's arms. "I have this bad feeling."

"No, he didn't say anything. Do you think they're in trouble?" Elena asked.

"I don't know. I'm going to find out." Mallorie let go of Elena's hands.

Mallorie pulled Matt out of the crowd and dragged him into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Matt asked.

"I need to split for a second." Mallorie threw some things into her bag. "Can you hold down the fort?"

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll clear out after the band. Will you be back for closing?" Matt crossed his arms.

"I'll try to be." Mallorie gave him a side hug. "Thanks, Mattycakes."

Mallorie didn't look back as she raced toward the Salvatore house. She leaped out of the car before it was fully parked. As she approached the house, her fears only grew stronger.

Damon answered her aggressive knocks. "What are you doing here? I told you I'd be fine."

"Where's Katherine?" Mallorie looked between him and Stefan, who lounged on the couch in the parlor.

"Getting blood." Damon raised his brows.

Mallorie shoved her way inside and sprinted to the stairs for the basement. There were five stairs left when Katherine shouted for Damon. With a rush of adrenaline, Mallorie jumped over the last five.

Katherine knelt on the ground beside Elijah's body with a stake through her stomach. Despite her hatred, Mallorie dropped to her knees and started to pull on the dagger. Damon pushed her out of the way and freed the stake.

"What happened?" Damon shot a glare at Mallorie.

"Damon.." Katherine pointed at the dagger that was slowly being pulled from Elijah's body.

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