Make it Stop

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The crimson color of the sunset painted the room. Rose continued to roam around the house in fits of rage or coughing. Mallorie stayed in Stefan's room, sobbing to herself with the stake grasped tightly in her hand. As the color began to drain from the sky, Mallorie feared she'd never see the outside world again.

Once the final rays of light vanished below the horizon, the house began to quiet. Approaching with caution, Mallorie pressed an ear to the door. It was so silent, you could hear a pin drop. 

Damon has to come home soon. I should check on Rose.

Mallorie slid the furniture away from the door. After being certain she had a firm grip on the stake, she unlocked the door. The sound of the latch turning seemed to echo through the house. Her hand quivered as she pulled the door open. 

Though each step was on carpeted flooring, Mallorie wished to quiet them further. Her breath sounded loud and ragged in her ears. If Rose was anywhere in the house, Mallorie was sure she knew exactly when Mallorie was. 

However, when Mallorie rounded the corner of the parlor, she spotted the front door standing wide open. Without the sunlight to contend with, Rose must have taken the opportunity to leave. Or maybe this was a part of her plan. She would distract Mallorie and then jump her whilst she was occupied. 

Just as Mallorie gathered the nerve to investigate the open door, a noise sounded behind her. Mallorie whipped around, stake poised to strike. Instead of pale green eyes, Mallorie was struck with light blue ones. Mallorie let go of a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

Damon's eyes looked at the stake then flicked up to Mallorie's face. "You okay?"

Mallorie dropped the stake and threw her arms around Damon. Tears flowed freely from her eyes as sobs shook her body. Damon pulled her back, so he could meet her eyes.

"Where's Rose?" He asked.

Mallorie avoided his gaze and shook her head. "I don't know."

Disappointment washed across his face. "What do you mean? How could she just vanish?"

"I don't know." Mallorie wiped stray tears from her eyes. "You don't understand Damon."

"Let me get this straight." Damon tapped his index finger against his chin. "I asked you to watch Rose, you didn't, and now she could be anywhere in Mystic Falls doing God knows what. What am I not understanding?"

"She tried to kill me!" Mallorie hadn't realized the anger building until she released it. After a calming breath, she started again. "The werewolf bite is poisoning her brain. She keeps having flashbacks and thinking I'm Katherine. I thought I was going to die here all alone because you left me with no help."

More tears streamed down her cheeks as she talked. Damon's eyes had softened. Almost unconsciously, Damon reached out to comfort Mallorie but was interrupted by his phone ringing. He walked away and answered it. 

Mallorie quickly wiped away the tears on her cheek with the sleeve of her shirt. After a few deep breaths, she was able to calm herself down. They needed to find Rose, which meant swallowing her pride and letting Damon lash out if need be. The priority was keeping everyone safe.

"That was Liz. Someone was attacked that the high school." Damon picked his car keys off the table.

"I'm coming with you." Mallorie followed him to the door.

Damon turned to face her and sighed. "There isn't enough time to debate this. Come on."

There wasn't a word spoken on the short drive to the school. The muscles in Damon's face never relaxed the whole way. His hands gripped the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles popped out, glowing bright white. 

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