❊ Chapter 27 ❊

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dead men tell no tales

dead men tell no tales——————————

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* HAJDJ HI HI HI HI!! not dead! yet!! *

* nothing much to say except i'm really really sorry for my absence! so very sorry :c *
* i don't you'd be surprised that summer school and finals weren't/aren't that enjoyable, but still! writer's block sucks so much,, *

* but, as always, i really hope you enjoy! *

* qwq *


S1:E23: The x Guard's x Duty

Part I


"Here we are! These are the servant's quarters. It's getting pretty late. . . so, you can stay here tonight."

In the silent dead of night, only the sounds of footsteps could be heard echoing throughout the still forest. At least -- that's how it sounded for most of the walk. Occasional rustles in the leaves paired with the faintest thumps would follow the group around.

Though, the only two who noticed were Kurapika and Gon. Even with the unease hanging in the air, they continued forward. They had nothing better to do by this point, anyway.

The dulled-down blues and greens of the tree leaves had darkened into a near-black abyss around the group as they walked further and further through the forest.

Had Zebro decided to lead them to their deaths, they would've trusted him wholeheartedly. But, instead, the old man stopped them in front of a cozy cabin, hidden deep within the woods of the Zoldyck premises. M/N's eyes lit up slightly at the sight -- he'd definitely been there before. Didn't he meet people here?

Who exactly. . . ? He couldn't say. But that feeling of awe was still as present as the day he arrived three years ago!

The warm lights of the house felt comforting midst of the darkness around them. Despite that, a chill came up their spine as a shrill scraping sound came from the front door as Zebro opened it.

Deep scratches in the wood floors were a testament to how heavy the door must've been -- leaving a visible trail of dark, old scrapes as the door rumbled open.

Kurapika was the only one to give a reaction, simply staring in bewilderment. "Uh. . ?"

"Please, come on in!" Zebro gave them a small smile, holding the door open casually. Gon was the first to walk in, followed by an ecstatic M/N, who glanced around the interior with a sparkle in his eyes.

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