❊ Chapter 13 ❊

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stealing from the elderly

stealing from the elderly———————————

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* wayyy too long. again. so sorry, i just write too much. *

* nonetheless, i hope you enjoy! *


S1:E7: Showdown x on x the x Airship

". . . How old is this guy?"

M/N muttered softly to himself as he stared blankly at the chairman.

He looks so young . . . but so, so old at the same time.

He just really couldn't wrap his head around it. Maybe it was just the lively energy around the man that made him seem young? Probably.

The chairman cleared his throat loudly, alerting everyone in the room.

"I will now take the opportunity to introduce myself properly to the remaining 43 applicants. I am Netero, the Chairman of the Selection Committee for this year's Hunter Exam. It's a pleasure to meet all of you."

He stood before the exhausted applicants with a smile. Although there really was no need to introduce himself, Menchi had already done it for him.

What actually gained M/N's attention instead was the small green jellybean guy beside him.

Jellybean's back!

The jellybean nodded. "And I'm his secretary, Beans!"


M/N couldn't stop the small excited noise that escaped his throat at the reveal. Turns out his nickname wasn't too far off! Aside from M/N, who bounced on his heels happily, all the other applicants stared at the two silently.

Netero didn't seem to mind as he continued, "I had originally planned to make my appearance during the Exam's final phase. But, well, seeing as how I'm already here. . ."

His eyes traveled across the room observantly. He narrowed his eyes at the interesting group of applicants. "I have to admit, there's nothing I love more than this feeling of tension in the air."

That's. . . not unsettling at all. . .

Nope, nope. not at all.

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