❊ Prologue ❊

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* Quick Warning! This book will have a lot of mentions of blood and knives (but that's rather expected in the HxH universe). There will also be a lot of mentions of severed limbs and descriptions of body parts being removed. In the same vein, scars and medical supplies such as needles will also be mentioned often. If you're good with this and have seen the 2011 anime (which is what this book goes off of), then read to your heart's content! *

* This book also contains heavy spoilers for the series! This is not an exaggeration. The fourth chapter (Chapter 2) contains characters that aren't even introduced until the last arc of the anime and the second most recent arc of the manga (Election Arc). *
* Proceed at your own risk if you don't want to be spoiled! *

* Also, this book contains a bit of swearing! *

* Enjoy! :D *


A young boy sat quietly in his room.

Without a sound, he rested motionless in the center. A bright crimson surrounded his warm body, laced with scars and injuries of dangerous variety. Although he was seemingly unconscious, it was a miracle the young boy was even alive.

In a far corner of the room rested a bed. It was disappointingly plain, with only a few pillows and a thick, messily folded blanket on top of it.

In a separate corner was a steel cabinet. It was filled to the brim with hydrogen peroxide bottles, dirty rags, and a few bleach cleaning sprays. The bottom drawer was entirely dedicated to carrying various medical supplies. Bandages, gauzes, surgical thread, various needles,  and sterilizing wipes could all be seen neatly organized in this drawer. A musty old mop rested on the side of the cabinet for support.

A singular door can be seen aside from the main one that leads to the outside hallway. This inside door, unsurprisingly, leads to a bathroom! Quite frankly, the toilet and shower were the only functional things in the room at that moment.

The room reeked of blood and bleach. Not a very good combination. One of these strong smells - unsurprisingly - came from the small child in the center of the room. He still hadn't woken up.

Taking a good glance at everything (ignoring the body currently in the middle, of course), nothing would even suggest blood has ever touched the clean walls before. Even the charcoal hardwood floors remained in pristine condition.

The dull white that painted the room's walls showed no signs of impurities whatsoever.

You would think a situation like this has never happened before;

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