❊ Chapter 23 ❊

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shoot for the sun!

shoot for the sun!——————————

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* you guys get a cat this time! as a treat :D *

* very long chapter! longest chapter so far, actually! also, obligatory gore warning *

* as always, hope you enjoy this chapter! *

* <33 *


S1: E20: Baffling Turn x of x Events


"I'll tell you something interesting about spiders. ♤"

Kurapika paused directly in his tracks. His flats slid across the floor for a second as Hisoka perched over his shoulder with an amused grin - the blonde's expression an unmistakable mix of confusion and horror.

Hisoka eventually backed away with a chuckle. As Kurapika stood frozen, he walked off with a casual, careless grin.

"I lose this one. ♧" He raised a hand in defeat.

The room stood in silent shock for a moment. It was hard to imagine that Hisoka would lose a round at all, especially since the two had fought for a solid hour with Kurapika making near to no progress in his battle.

Still, the blonde stood completely motionless, aside from his face falling into one of sullen disbelief.

". . . Alright then. Onto the next match — Hanzo vs. Pokkle!"

Hanzo uncrossed his arms, stretching the muscles slightly as Pokkle looked to the side in brief terror. But hey, if a kid could handle Hanzo's beating then he could too!





Turns out — he really couldn't.

The battle was an overwhelming defeat, with Pokkle not having the distinct advantage of being Gon and winning Hanzo's favor. This is a generous description, as Pokkle also didn't have Gon's inhuman ability to tank a broken arm.

Safe to say, Pokkle still had his arm intact as Hanzo was declared the victor.

And finally, after those few hours of trying to piece together how the chart worked, M/N got his first match.

"Fourth match, M/N vs. Hisoka!"

"wait, huh?"

M/N's mouth fell agape as he looked over the chart once more. Sure enough, Hisoka's loss with Kurapika landed him against the young boy instead.

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