❊ Chapter 10 ❊

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m/n almost dies 2: electric boogaloo

m/n almost dies 2: electric boogaloo———————————

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* extra long chapter this time! have fun lmao *

* sorry that there wasn't a valentines special, i didn't have any ideas for one sadly. i do have ideas for extra content eventually though! *

* enjoy! *


S1:E5: Hisoka x Is x Sneaky


"Every moment, I regret this test more and more."

M/N hissed to himself softly. He didn't really mean it, but the test was slowly chipping away at his remaining sanity with all the running.

All that could be heard was the sound of wet grass and mud sinking beneath the shoes of exhausted runners. Occasionally, a caw or a hiss would sound out from the various creatures residing in the nearby trees.

Put simply, M/N was not having a great time.

Most of the steps he took were slow and sloppy as a result of the muddy grass. It felt like walking on slush, and running through it was not pleasant at all.

my shoes are ruined now. . .

The only reason he hadn't slipped yet was the fear of getting trampled by the runners behind him.

Through the tense silence, the clear voice of Satotz rang out.

"Now everyone, please make sure to follow close behind me!"

That was getting pretty hard to do.

M/N hissed as his foot sank into the mud again. Quickly, he grabbed his leg and pulled harshly to dislodge it from the ground. The resulting crack was not fun to hear.

He cursed under his breath, shaking off the pain and rushing off the catch-up with Leorio and Kurapika once more. Which was almost just as difficult, since he could barely see anyone around him.

Cautiously, M/N reached out and held onto Kurapika's arm. He immediately let go when Kurapika glanced at him in confusion.

"Sorry, sorry! I thought I lost you guys for a sec."

Kurapika shook his head. "No, that's fine. We need to stick together. Just, try not to fall."

M/N nodded and held onto Kurapika's arm gently. It was silent for another moment.

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