❊ Chapter 11 ❊

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funny title in progress, gimme a minute

funny title in progress, gimme a minute———————————

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* i'm splitting this episode into two parts! otherwise, it'll end up being wayyy too long like last chapter :') *
* second part should be up soon hopefully! *

* take care of yourselves! *

* enjoy! *


S1:E6: A x Surprising x Challenge

Part I


"Looks like we made it in time!"

Kurapika and Gon's pace slowed to a walk as they reached a large group of people.

Only about 50 examinees remained. Most of them were resting by a large concrete wall, accompanied by two large metal doors with large X's engraved on them. The symbols vaguely resembled the Hunter's Association logo, which was pretty interesting.

The two tried their best to ignore the few confused glares they earned as they walked around with a seemingly-dead body.

"But, where's Leorio?" Gon muttered.

He flinched when a sharp sense of dread crashed into him abruptly. It wasn't caused by the body in his arms or the absence of his friends, of course not.

It was caused by an intense stare directed at him from afar. Gon froze and stared at the culprit wearily.

. . . Hisoka.

The jester gave him a delighted smile before lifting his claw-like hand and pointing to the left. When Gon followed the motion, he was met with a familiar face.

There, sat Leorio in a disoriented daze. He was leaning against a tree far from the rest of the examinees, his face red and bruised from the punch he had received earlier in the forest.

"There he is!"

Gon sprinted towards him, trying to avoid bumping into any of the other examinees with M/N still in his arms. Kurapika blinked in confusion before running after him.

Leorio had his eyes shut when they reached him. Rubbing his face in discomfort, he let out a sharp wince.

"Man, that stings. . ."

Gon set down M/N on the floor beside the medic, as well as the suitcase. A small thought crept up in the back of his mind as he stared at the boy's sleeping face. Perhaps M/N wasn't just sleeping. Maybe his friend had lied to make him feel better.

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