Chapter 35

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I can't sleep. My body is exhausted and I'm even more mentally exhausted but here I am still struggling to sleep. All the events of the last couple of hours keep flashing through my mind and I just can't stop thinking about it. 

"I was expecting to find you passed out right now," a voice says and I notice Nash standing at the entrance of my room as I give him a tired smile.

"I wish I was sleeping but I just can't," I reply as he walks over to me and leans down to kiss me, my lips curling up into a smile against his. He breaks the kiss and just observes me quietly, his eyes not leaving mine for a single moment.

"I almost lost you tonight," I hear him say in a low voice and I reach out, linking our hands together to reassure him that I'm still here. 

"I couldn't let Felix get away with what he did," I tell him. "Plus I have someone to go back to," I add as I lift our linked fingers and press a soft kiss to his. "When did you get here?" I ask him in between a yawn.

"I just got here thirty minutes ago but they said that you've been sleeping for the last couple of hours though that wasn't the case," he replies as he leans closer and his other hand brushes my hair out of my face.

"I went through x-rays, an MRI, got a cast on my leg, they said I had some hypothermia and some other things that I can't remember right now," I list off for him. "I told them that my boyfriend was coming so they could also update you on how I'm doing."

"I'll talk to them when you're sleeping but nonetheless we just finished processing Felix, Georgia, and his friend. I still can't believe he was a part of this," he sighs.

"He was involved in more than this," I tell him and he looks alert when I say that. "To the best of my knowledge so far he was involved in Charlotte's case as well as Victoria's."

"And probably more," he guesses and I nod my head.

"Exactly, when I'm back at work I'll be looking into that since I'll be on desk duty for some time," I say in a forlorn tone as I picture the cast on my leg and the long healing process.

"I'm going to make sure you take it easy beautiful," he says with full confidence. Aw, how cute. 

"I know you will," I reply softly. "By the way, I should probably give my statement now right?"

"I can take it later or even when you're back at work, there's no rush," he answers but I shake my head.

"It's best I do it now since everything is still fresh in my mind," I answer as I push myself up to sit. He looks at me for a moment, I know he must see the resolve on my face as he takes out his tape recorder from his pocket and places it on the bed next to me before pressing it.

"Current time right now is six fifty-seven in the morning and I am Officer Nash Hendrix and I am here to collect statements from Officer Natalia Sanchez about the events on February second. Please state your name and everything you can remember until the arrest," he says as he slips from being my boyfriend to his professional role.

"My name is Natalia Sanchez, on the morning of February second I left my precinct and headed over to Georgia Hamilton's office at the forensics lab. With her being a prime suspect in an ongoing investigation, it was a calculated risk to head there alone but I had an inkling that I wouldn't find her there," I start narrating. "Upon reaching the lab my suspicions were correct when I found her office empty with no piece of paper left behind. When was leaving the lab I was on the phone with my Chief and I heard someone call my name before I was then hit across the head." I reach out and take his hand as his face darkens from my words.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝟏𝟖+) 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 ✓Where stories live. Discover now