Chapter 2

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My nose twitches when I feel another balled-up paper hit it. I lift my eye mask to stare at the man smirking across from me as he leans back in his chair.

"Is there something I can help you with because you are interrupting my thirty-minute power nap," I ask Nash, my eyebrow raised in question.

"I can't believe you actually have that," he says pointing to my mask resting on my head.

"Why wouldn't I, got to block out the lights somehow plus people that seem to want to annoy me," I sass back. "And shouldn't you be working?"

"I am, I'm just taking a small break from typing, my fingers are starting to cramp," he says moving his hands.

"You're such an old man," I chuckle. "Felix, have you found anything yet with the guy we found in the back of the club last night? And also with his friends, anything on that?"

"When I went through the security camera it only showed him leaving the club but we don't see anything after. Where he was is a blindspot so the camera didn't catch anything," he answers, his focus still entirely on the screen. "We can't see what he was doing before you found him."

"And his friends?" I ask.

"Their alibi checks out. They were inside the club the whole time and didn't step outside until everyone was leaving," he confirms.

"I guess we can rule out those two," I say as I reach for my pen to cross out their names from our suspect list. I check the time at the bottom of my computer and see I have ten minutes left of my break before it's back to the grind. "I'm going to step out for the rest of my break, I need some fresh air," I say as I stand up and then raise my arms to stretch. My black shirt rises up a bit and I see Nash's focus turn to me.

I give him a small smirk as I grab my coat and walk out of our office to the entrance of the precinct. I zip up my jacket as the cold air quickly cools me down, the heat from inside disappearing. I take my phone out of my pocket to answer text messages from Victoria and my recently new friend Haruto.

Victoria I met last year through Jason or another way to put it, I was working her case. It was so sad, everything that happened to her from being kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend to her ex-best friend trying to kill her while she was recovering in the hospital. But now it seems like she came out stronger from all of that.

I'm happy that she can put it behind her and she has a good relationship with Jason. We all know his bitch of an ex-wife and Victoria is so much better for him and his nephew. Haruto I met through her and we just clicked, similar personalities I guess. I moved from British Columbia five years ago after my only parent died and the only people I got along with were my coworkers so it's nice to have other people to talk with.

I look up from my phone and I'm met with the sight of, I think she's in elementary, a young girl making a snowman on the sidewalk. She looks like she's maybe nine and is wrapped up in layers of winter clothing from a hat on her head with some curls peeking out from underneath, a scarf, and heavy gloves. I pocket my phone and walk towards her, the little part of me curious as to why she's here in front of the precinct by herself.

"Hey kid, nice snowman," I call out as I stop a couple of feet away from her. She looks up at me in surprise, her heterochromia eyes widening for a moment, one light blue eye and the other a light green eye trained on me for a moment before continuing to pack the snow into the base of the snowman. "Are you here on your own today?" She nods her head silently as she bends down to grab some rocks that were beside her feet lining them up on the ball of snow. I crouch down and give her a wide grin as I pick up a rock.

"Do you mind if I help?" I ask smiling. She pauses for a moment before nodding shyly as she hands me more rocks. We work silently as we dress up her small snowman and I spend my time wondering why a kid on their winter break is playing on her own. "I'm Natalia Sanchez by the way and I'm a police officer."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝟏𝟖+) 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 ✓Where stories live. Discover now