Chapter 27

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Once again my hand is linked with Nash's discreetly as we sit at the back of the courtroom gallery waiting for the judge, prosecutor Huxley and W & W Pharmaceuticals to finish talking about our warrant. Jason is on the other side of Nash, his attention is torn between listening to the three up front, looking at his phone and giving the two of us warning glares because even though he can't see he definitely knows we're holding hands.  It's not like anyone is looking over here Jason.

"I wonder how much longer we'll have to wait," I comment quietly to Nash as we listen in.

"It's a losing battle, even if they try to drag it out it's inevitable that things are going to go in our favour," he replies as he tightens his grip on mine. 

"Jason, there's people on standby at their main office right?" I ask as I lean forward to look at him.

"There is so we can do the search as soon as the warrant has gone through," he answers. "But that's if they haven't already destroyed any evidence."

"They probably did and also deleted files from computers, isn't that the norm with these types of things? But that's where Felix and I come into play," I say to him as I sit back on the bench. The judge hitting the gavel turns my focus back up front and we're met with the sight of the defendants looking frustrated while the prosecutor looks victorious. 

We watch her walk up to the judge saying a few words to her and we don't miss how the defendants stare angrily at us, already on the phone with their bosses telling them how they lost. There's a childish part of me that wants to stick out my tongue at them but sadly I'm still on the job. 

"Time to move in," I hear Nash say aloud, Jason is already on the phone with the team on standby. "And don't think I missed that look on your face right now," he says as he looks down at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I reply petulantly as the prosecutor walks towards us. 

"Here's the warrant you all wanted, I hope you find what you need so I can start my job in all of this," she says as she hands me some papers. Thankfully she had the hindsight to make more than one copy. "They're also under strict orders not to shred any documentation now that the warrant is in effect, their lawyers should be telling this to them right now. Of course if you happen to find anyone there that's trying to get rid of the evidence, make sure to take them into questioning."

"Don't worry Prosecutor Huxley, it's not the first time we're doing a search and seizure and it won't be the last," Nash says to her as she laughs.

"We'll see you soon," I tell her before following Nash out of the courtroom. 

"You two head over there now, make sure to find everything so we can shut this down," Jason orders as we reach the courthouse entrance. "I'll be meeting with the other group at their compounding plant."

"Got it Chief," Nash replies and I wave my hand before following him outside into the cold. It's just our luck that it's the coldest day of the year and we're out here working. You can't underestimate January. At least Jade and the kids are off today after they closed the schools because of how cold it is and on top of that it's supposed to start snowing tonight and it'll probably turn into a snowstorm which means another day at home for them.

Nash dropped her off at Charlotte's while I was still getting ready for work and reading the few messages in our group chat, Victoria is going over there with Oli and Camryn might swing by later if she has the energy to go out in this weather. I'm brought out of my thoughts when the hood of my jacket is tugged over my head, the fur on the side brushing my cheeks. 

"It's almost minus thirty and you forgot your hat at home, you easily get cold compared to me," Nash murmurs, his hands on my cheeks tilting my head to look up at him. "Should probably let you borrow mine," he adds and I shake my head.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝟏𝟖+) 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 ✓Where stories live. Discover now