Chapter 16

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The puffiness under my eyes is clear as day, it's what happens when I'm running on very little sleep. I'm not one for working when it's still dark out but if something comes up and I'm needed, well I can't argue with that. Besides, I want to see for myself that nothing was missed and I don't have to worry about anything. I park my car in front of the precinct, the cold air brushing my cheeks as I briskly walk inside the building. I nod my head at the officer sitting at the front desk before walking to Jason's office. 

"Good morning Chief," I call out enthusiastically as I slam Jason's door open. Now I may be running on little sleep but that doesn't mean my energy levels are low. He looks up from his computer rolling his eyes before going back to whatever he's doing. I mentioned offhandedly to him yesterday through text I had to talk to him about something for the case and I'd be here early for my shift. I'm not a morning person so me being here this early for what I have planned better pay off. 

"What is it that you wanted?" he questions as I close the door behind me before moving to sit in front of him.

"I need the key to Lucas's bar," I tell him getting straight to the point. When he hears that his fingers stop moving and he turns his whole attention to me.

"What do you need it for? We already did a sweep while you were off work last week," he answers and looks like he wants to roll his eyes but is stopping himself.

"I know but I wanted to double-check and make sure nothing was missed, you know, do one more sweep," I answer with a shrug. He observes me for a couple of seconds before rolling his eyes.

"Even if I say no you'll still go and break down the doors yourself won't you," he sighs as he turns to reach the cabinet behind him, unlocking it before pulling out a key. "Sometimes it feels like I'm working with a fucking child," he says to me as he hands over the key.

"But you wouldn't have me any other way would you," I chuckle as he laughs. "By the way, I'm also going to temporarily take down the feed for the cameras in the bar. After what happened last week, I'd rather not have the feed being tapped into and anyone seeing if we find something."

"If you stop the feed for the cameras and let's say one of those people comes to finish the job, what then? We'll have no proof of a crime," he says frowning, immediately disagreeing with me. 

"I know, that's why you'll have Felix checking the cameras if anything happens to me. If anybody goes in he'll know," I reason with a shrug of my shoulders. It's still dark out, the sun hasn't risen yet so I have roughly two hours to find anything, when have I ever come back empty-handed when doing solo investigations," I question, a wide grin on my face. 

"Go do what you need to do but be careful," he warns me before turning back to his computer.

"You got it Chief," I say under my breath before walking out and closing the door behind me. I go back out of the station, seconds ticking by at my time limit. My boots crunch in the snow as I make my way to my car and I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. 

"Nash? What's wrong?" I ask as I slide into my car, keying in the ignition.

"Just checking to see what Jason said about you going to the bar," he answers. 

"Did you think he'd say anything but no?" I counter as I pull out of the parking lot. 

"I'd be surprised if he did. So what's your game plan?" he chuckles and from the sounds in the background, he must be making a cup of coffee.

"Search around the bar plus inside and leave before sunrise. I'm cutting the feed inside the bar in case whoever was at the warehouse has the ability to hack into cameras and before you say anything, Jason is going to get Felix to check the cameras if anything happens to me," I tell him as I make the quick drive to the bar. With no one on the streets, it takes me less than fifteen minutes to reach the building. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝟏𝟖+) 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 ✓Where stories live. Discover now