Chapter 20

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"I feel like I haven't seen you in the longest time," Felix comments as Nash pulls out of the precinct.

"Probably because we've been all over the place," I comment as I turn back to look at him.

"It's been a while since we've done a search like this," he adds as he looks down at his phone.

"Yeah it has," I say quietly before turning back in my seat. "Since we've got the warrant to look through Aurora's things, if anyone tries to give us trouble I'm counting on you to deal with it," I tell Nash as I look over at him. 

"I'm the muscle for you," he says jokingly as he flexes his arms and I roll my eyes. I'd rather not have someone give us shit in looking through her things, they'll be arrested on the spot and I'd prefer not to have to do that because someone was an idiot.

"I never asked but are you okay Natalia, you and the kid? I heard what happened the other day," Felix voices and I nod my head as I turn to face him again.

"We're both fine, there's no way I would have let that bitch take me out or hurt Jade and besides, it's one thing for her not to like me but she now made it personal and I'm going to make sure that I'm the one who arrests her," I say with conviction and he goes back to looking at his screen.

"Well when that day comes be sure to let me know if you need help," he tells me and I let out a bark of laughter, Nash's own chuckles joining mine.

"That's coming from the last person that would rather not do anything physical," Nash comments as he turns into the building's lot.

"I'm pretty sure if we sparred I'd kick your ass but the sentiment is nice," I tell Felix as he glowers at me and Nash parks the car near the front entrance.

"Very funny," he comments in a dry tone. "But I'm glad to hear you two are alright." We get out going straight to the building and we go in the direction towards Georgia's office. I gave her a heads up right before we left that we were coming to go through Aurora's office.

"Natalia," Georgia calls out as she waves her hand at us. "Did something happen with Aurora? Why do you need to go to her office?" 

"I can't say right now but she's gotten herself into some trouble," I tell her as she leads us away from her office.

"I see, I hope that you'll be able to help her. She's such a nice girl," she tells me. As if I'm going to help her, I want to destroy her and put her in prison. It's good to see you again Nash and I don't think we've met before," she says greeting both men.

"I'm Felix Hayes," Felix tells her as she unlocks a door with a card key.

"It's nice to meet you Felix," she says acknowledging him before turning back to face me. "Text me if you need me, I'll probably be in the labs working on a separate case from the current one though with how exhausted I am I'd rather be taking a break from work."

"It does look like you've been ageing more than normal," I say poking fun of her as she flicks my forehead.

"I may be old but I'm not that old," she scolds me as I chuckle. "I'll leave you all to your work."

"Alright men, let's get to work," I tell them once Georgia is out of the vicinity. Nash steps inside flicking on the lights and it's just like any standard office, file cabinets, two desktop computers. I glance up at the ceiling but unlike the bar, it doesn't have any tiles where things could be hidden.

"I'll leave you two to go through her computers and I'll check her cabinets to see if she left any type of paper trail," Nash tells us and we nod our heads in agreement as we take our spots in the room. I take off my jacket draping it on the back of the chair before powering on the computer. It's silent for the next fifteen minutes as Felix and I work on first getting past the passcode and then getting inside the computer.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝟏𝟖+) 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 ✓Where stories live. Discover now