Chapter 10

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"What do you mean you now have custody?" Nash questions in confusion.

"It means just that. They were going to place her, in my opinion, in an overcrowded foster home and the chances of Jade being brought here to see her mom was low and I didn't like that,"  I explain calmly.

"And they said okay? Just like that?" Haruto asks in surprise.

"I'm a police officer and a detailed background check of me is being sent to their office plus personal email, I don't see why they should say no," I reason. "They did try to point out that there could be times when I'd be working late or I'm called into work in the middle of the night and there would be no adult with Jade. Of course I understand that but I mentioned Charlotte and how she has children of her own, the both of them were surprised I knew her since they helped with Wren."

"So they ok'd it because they're already social workers for Wren?" Nash says putting everything together.

"Bingo," I grin. "Her mom trusted me to watch over her today and while she's here I'll continue to do that. Besides if it's needed, she can join at us the station when she's done with school, she'll have a lot of people to keep her company."

"I'll help you, I can't work on the investigation but she did grow onto me today," he says with a fond smile.

"I had a feeling you would say that so I asked Jason to send a background check of you too," I grin. "They'll probably have to stop by your apartment to make sure it's safe but other than that you should be in the clear."

"And while Julia is here I can send you updates of her condition," Haruto tells me.

"Thank you, I want her to recover and then they can put this mess behind them," I say to them as a nurse approaches us.

"Excuse me, are you waiting for a patient? Visiting hours are currently over," she says to the three of us. "Well that excludes you doctor Sato," she says with a coy grin. I frown when she says that and I cross my arms over my chest turning my whole body to face her.

"You do realize that we're not incompetent right? Instead of telling us that visiting hours are over, why don't you ask us why we're still here? And flirting with your superior while you're still on the job, you have guts," I tell her, my eyes widening mockingly. "Haruto, can you find someone that has a brain around here and find out what's going on?"

"Sure, let me go see if she's out of surgery yet," he chuckles as he stands and walks past the nurse. She glares at me before scurrying after Haruto.

"Wow, they weren't kidding I mutter as I sit back down.

"Who wasn't kidding?" Nash questions.

"Victoria and Haruto. They said the women here are vultures or in Victoria's words, fucking thirsty pieces of shit," I chuckle and his laughter joins mine. We hear the elevator doors open again and this time instead of being met with a doctor or nurse, Aurora is the one walking towards us.

"You needed things from the house?" she questions as she holds up a bag.

"Yeah, I'll take that thanks," I tell her as she hands it to me.

"So that's the kid that you'll be watching over?" she asks as she looks at Jade.

"It's a temporary arrangement," I reply as I go through the bag, double-checking she grabbed most necessities.

"I see, well, Nash, since you have no reason to stay with them do you want to head out?" she asks him.

"I can't, I have to drop them off at Natalia's place later and I can't leave the two of them yet," he says to her as Jade starts waking up. She looks startled for a moment, I can see she's wondering where she is but when her eyes land on me she calms down a bit.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝟏𝟖+) 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 ✓Where stories live. Discover now