51. no words appear before me in the aftermath

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The words rush out of Nesrin's mouth the second she is alone with Regulus.

His eyes widen, and it's obvious he's having a hard time processing what Nesrin just said. He shakes his head in disbelief, looking as if he's turning over every single piece of information he knows about Vanessa Fernby.

His head falls into his hands.


Nesrin sighs in agreement.

"We have to get that Horcrux as soon as we can," she says hurriedly.

Regulus nods. "Yes, we do." He stops for a moment, staring at the ground stuck in his thoughts. "I have to retrieve some of my books and other information I collected about the Horcrux," he continues finally. "Meet me in the Forbidden Forest in an hour."

Nesrin agrees and they part ways, both of them struggling to wrap their heads around the new revelation and what is to come in the following couple of hours.

Nesrin plans on going back to her dorm to gather some supplies but then pauses.

She closes her eyes, debating with herself for a long time in the silence.

Then, she turns and marches determinedly over to the Gryffindor Head Boy's room. Outside the door, she takes one long breath before she knocks. She hears a shuffling from inside before the door opens and James stands there shirtless and eyes riddled with sleep.

Upon seeing her, he instantly smiles. Crossing his arms, he leans against the doorframe as he stares down at her.

"Couldn't get enough of me, Fadel?"

His smirk fades when she doesn't respond. He frowns, taking in her serious expression.

"Nes, what—"

She pushes him inside and closes the door. She takes his arm and leads them both further into the room to sit at the foot of the bed. James furrows his eyebrows cautiously when she takes his hand in hers.

"James, I have to tell you something."

He's silent the entire time she tells him her and Regulus's plan. When she's done, she looks at him with an apprehensive look.

For a long second, he doesn't say anything.

Then, he nods in understanding and says, "I'm coming with you."

Immediately, Nesrin's eyes widen and she shakes her head.

"Absolutely not. James, if something happens—"

He shoots her a leveled look. "If something happens, I want to be there to help you and Regulus. Do you really expect me to stay here, knowing you're off doing the most dangerous thing you've ever done, and just do nothing?"

She looks down at their entwined hands, biting her lip as anxiety seeps through her. James can't come. She won't let him. It doesn't matter if something happens to her.

But if anything were to happen to him...

She wouldn't be able to live with herself.

James brings his free hand to her face, his knuckles lifting her chin so she looks at him.

"Nes," he whispers, leaning their foreheads together. "You have to understand that I can't let you do this by yourself. Even if you have Regulus. I want to be there with you, fighting alongside you. You're not alone. You will never be alone. I'll make sure of it."

She lets out a sniffle, her hand curling over his neck. He plants a soft kiss on the tip of her nose.

"I love you," he says, adoration the only thing sparkling in his eyes. "I know you love me too which is why you don't want me to come. But I'm coming with you no matter what you say or do to stop me."

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒, james potterWhere stories live. Discover now