21. i missed you

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Summer Holiday

June 20, 1975


I think I've started this letter a million times by now. I don't if this is weird or if you'll even respond, but I wanted to tell you how I saw Charlie Bayard and his girlfriend the other day. Just because it's really funny when you get all worked up and jealous. Anyway. Yeah. That's it. How's your summer going?


June 28, 1975

Dear James,

You are an idiot and I hate you.

I do not get worked up or jealous. I think you're talking about yourself with Lily. I heard she went on a date with a guy from Beauxbatons. Just thought you should know.

My summer's fine I guess. Or it would be if I didn't hate my family's guts. How are you?


July 1, 1975


You're a jerk.

I'm sorry about your family. Want to come stay at mine?


July 6, 1975

Dear James,

You're really funny, you know that? My parents would literally kill me and then bring me back to life to do it all over again. And then they'll come after you.

There's absolutely no way they would let me and absolutely no chance I could sneak out without them noticing.

But thanks for the offer.


July 13, 1975


I wish you could come. Sirius, Remus, and Peter are all over and we're going to this muggle festival in a couple days. I'm excited. I'll bring you back something.


July 19, 1975

Dear James,

That sounds so exciting. I wish I could come too. Tell me everything once you get back.


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