47. if you hurt her, i'll kill you

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warning: minor sexual content

THE TOP BUTTON of his shirt is loose.

Her hand is splayed across his stomach, fingers tracing the ridges of his abs. He nudges her legs further apart so that he can step closer to her, his groin impossibly hard against her. She gasps, the sound drowned out when his mouth lands on hers.

It is absolutely the wrong time and the wrong place to be so aroused. They're in an empty classroom, Nesrin sitting on a desk and James standing between her legs. His hands cup her outer thighs in a death grip as if the tighter he holds her, the less chance there is that she will go away.

They should stop.

They can't.

Their mouths open under each other, Nesrin clutching the collar of James's shirt to pull him closer.

One of his hands slips underneath her skirt, massaging her clit through her underwear. She sighs against his lips, moving against his hand.

"James," she breathes, her hands gripping the dark locks of his messy hair. "We should...we should take this somewhere else."

He hums in response, taking his hand away but not letting go of her. He comes closer, cock pressing angrily against her. He lets out a strangled breath.

She can't help but let out a tiny smirk.

"Need some help?" she whispers into his ear, pressing her fingers into his stomach lightly.

His eyes darken as he stares down at her, not moving.

Her hand lowers slowly. Going over the planes of his stomach, the top of his trousers, coming down to rest on his length through the clothing. She presses down on it, making him groan. Her hand starts moving up and down, slow, slow, slow.

"Fuck, Nesrin."

Her smirk widens.

Just as she's about to climb off the desk and get on her knees, the door opens.

Both of their eyes widen simultaneously. Nesrin scrambles off the desk, and James takes his hands off her. She could have sworn they put an anti-alohomora charm on the door. It could also be true that in their eagerness, both of them forgot to.

Nesrin smooths down her skirt and hair, trying to look presentable. James does the same.

Let it be a professor, Nesrin suddenly wishes. If it's a professor, no one else will know and we'll be able to leave with just detention.

It's not.

It's Idris.

Nesrin starts panicking as Idris looks between them with furrowed brows. She walks up to him, placing a hand on his arm.

"Please don't do anything," she pleads, staring up at him. He's a couple of inches taller than James, making her have to look up even more. "I love him."

He just stares down at her in confusion. As if he can't understand what he just witnessed and what his sister is saying.

James walks up to them slowly, placing a hand on Nesrin's lower back in reassurance. She looks up at him gratefully as he sends her a small, comforting smile.

Idris watches them with an unreadable expression on his face.

Nesrin doesn't know what to make of this reaction.

His gaze turns sharp as he turns to James with narrowed eyes and a clenched jaw.

"If you hurt her, I'll kill you."

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒, james potterWhere stories live. Discover now