33. a bad feeling

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March 4, 1976

THEY WERE WALKING past the shops of Hogsmeade with smiles on their faces as they laughed with each other. Nesrin didn't think she had ever been this happy in her life.

James was everything she ever wanted and never knew she needed. He was just so...

Perfect wasn't the right word. He wasn't perfect. Not in any way. But Nesrin was beginning to realize that maybe perfect didn't exist. And maybe the reason why she was falling so hard for James was because he was the only person who truly felt like home. The only person she had ever felt truly comfortable around.

If she could wrap up this feeling she had every time she was with him and put it in a bottle to open whenever she was feeling down, she would never ask for anything again.

But it was too soon to think nothing could tear them apart.

They were passing by Honeydukes when she got a strange prickly feeling crawling up her spine. She slowed her steps a little, looking around their surroundings.

James furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed she had slowed down.

"You okay?" he asked, a concerned expression on his face.

She nodded, shaking away the feeling and smiling up at him. She squeezed the hand that she was holding and they continued walking.

A few minutes later, the strange feeling came back in full force, and she suddenly knew what it was. She sighed quietly, knowing that she had to get this over with as soon as possible.

She stopped walking, James stopping along with her, his brow creasing with concern.

"You go ahead," she said, making his frown deepen. "I'll catch up with you later. I'm not feeling well."

He instantly brought his hand up to feel her forehead.

"You're not burning up, but do you feel faint? Or dizzy or light-headed? Did you eat this morning? We can go get something to eat—"

Despite what she knew was about to happen, she smiled at him.

"Don't worry, dumbass. I have a small headache. I'm just going to go back to my dorm and take a quick nap."

"I'll come with you," he offered.

"No," she said, trying to school her expression. "It's okay. Go catch up with your friends. I'll be fine going back."

He pursed his lips. "It's alright, let me take you back."

"Seriously, James. It's okay. I want you to go spend time with your friends. You've barely hung out with them since we started dating."

"That's not true. I pranked a first year with Sirius just yesterday—"


"Fine. But I'm coming to check on you in an hour."

She rolled her eyes even though her heart swelled at his words.

She went on her toes to peck his lips and then turned to walk away.

Once she was safely tucked away in a corner far from James, she let out a slow breath and waited.

She didn't have to wait long.

In all of their formidable nature, Helen and Bahram Fadel appeared before her. Deep frowns were painted across their faces.

"Nesrin," her mother said, authority ringing in her voice.

"Mother. Father. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Her father glared at her. "You know what this is about, you insolent child."

Nesrin feigned innocence. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"It's about the boy, child. The traitor boy whom you seem to be attached at the hip these days."

Nesrin's jaw clenched, but she said nothing. Of course, they knew.

"You need to break up with him," her mother said.


Both her parents gave her the dirtiest looks they had ever given her.

"Do not cause this family dishonor." Her father stood over her menacingly.

"I am not the cause of dishonor on this family."

If they were not in public and within hearing distance from others, Nesrin would surely be on the floor right now with a red mark on her cheek

"Do not speak to us that way. You will do as we say and not cause any more problems. If the Dark Lord finds out, he will have all of our heads. Even that boy's."

"That is, if we don't have it first. You do not know the lengths we will go to," her mother added.

"I don't care. I'm not breaking up with James. I love him."

Her own eyes widened in surprise. She had never admitted that out loud. But she had never said anything more true.

Her parents, however, just pursed their lips and sent her displeased looks.

Without another word, they disapparated and left Nesrin alone with her spiraling thoughts.

They were gone. The conversation was over. So why did Nesrin feel as if this wasn't the end?

𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 !

and so starts the break up phase.

(also quickest chapter i've ever written lol. enjoy the double update :)

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒, james potterWhere stories live. Discover now